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Call for Papers

Office of the Editor

Stamford Journal of Business Studies (SJBS)

Faculty of Business Studies

Stamford University Bangladesh

753, Satmosjid Road, Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1209

Tel: 9124161, 8156122, Fax: 0088-02-9143531

Web Page: www.stamforduniversityedu.org



March18, 2020


Call for Papers


Dear Sir/Madam,


I am pleased to inform you that the faculty of Business studies of Stamford University Bangladesh is going to Publish “The Stamford Journal of Business Studies, (ISSN: 1817-1680) Vol: 8, Issue: 2,” a referred Journal published biannually.


The Editorial Board of Stamford Journal of Business Studies invites the authors to submit articles on original empirical work relating to contemporary Business and Management for Publication in the Issue. The Expected date of Publication is December, 2020.


Please find the enclosed herewith a copy of “Call for Paper” notice outlining details on the submission of papers. I would like to request you to kindly pass the Information to your colleagues for their attention.


Submission Deadline:30th June,2020.


 Published Date:December 31, 2020.


 With regards.


Yours Sincerely,



Prof. Dr. Jamal Uddin Ahmed


Stamford Journal of Business Studies


Call for Papers


Stamford Journal of Business Studies

ISSN: 1817-1680

Vol: 8, Issue: 2


  1. Scope/Coverage:

Coverage includes (but not limited to):

  • Innovation &Marketing
  • Strategic Marketing for Sustainability
  • Digital Marketing
  • Tourism Marketing
  • Corporate governance
  • Financial reporting
  • Sustainable reporting
  • Management accounting
  • Technological advancement and accounting
  • Green HRM & Sustainability
  • Global competitiveness on Strategic Human Resource
  • Workforce Diversity
  • HR Analytics
  • Work-Life Balance
  • Innovations and HRM
  • Behavioral Finance
  • Financial Criminology
  • Cyber-crime in Finance
  • Trade based money laundering
  • Financial Engineering


  1. Review Process:
  • Initially, each paper is reviewed by the member of the editorial board. If it is judged suitable for publication in the SJBS, it is then sent to the reviewer for a blind review. A notification through email is made to the author within 07 days of submission as to whether his/her article is suitable for this Journal.
  • It can then be accepted, resubmitted with attention to the reviewer’s comments or rejected.
  • Manuscripts are accepted for publication on the condition that authors submit a manuscript that meets manuscript guidelines and style specifications.
  • The author(s) must give an undertaken (in a separate word file) that the submitted paper is his/her original work and also yet not published anywhere or yet not accepted anywhere or yet not submitted anywhere for the consideration for publication.


  1. Manuscript Requirements:



All manuscript must be double-spaced (including references) in 12 point font, with pages numbered consecutively throughout the entire paper. The title page is page one. Allow margins of one inch on all four sides. The manuscript should be saved in Word Document Format. All tables and figures must be prepared as per the guidelines of the Journal requirements.

Article Title

A title of not more than 20 words should be provided.

Article Length

Articles should be between 4000 and 7000 words in length including tables, figures, references and appendices. Please allow at least 200 words for each figure or table.

Author Details

The full name of each author along with affiliation and correct email address should be provided.


The abstract should include the purpose, methodology, findings and practical implications and novelty of the research.


The number of keywords should be between 5 and 8.


Headings should be concise and clear. First level heading should be presented in bold format and sub-headings should be in Italic.


Each table should be appropriately placed and labeled in the body text of the article.


Each figure should be appropriately placed and labeled in the body text of the article.


Footnotes should be used only if necessary with appropriate numbering.


References should be made in a uniform style and the Harvard System of Reference should be followed. The following styles of references must be followed in the whole paper.


For Journals:

For single author:

Lord, B.R., 1996. Strategic management accounting: the emperor's new clothes?.Management accounting research, 7(3), pp.347-366.

For multiple authors:

Cadez, S. and Guilding, C., 2008. An exploratory investigation of an integrated contingency model of strategic management accounting. Accounting, organizations and society, 33(7-8), pp.836-863.

Guilding, C., Cravens, K.S. and Tayles, M., 2000. An international comparison of strategic management accounting practices. Management Accounting Research, 11(1), pp.113-135.


For Books:

Hoque, Z., 2002. Strategic management accounting. Spiro press.

Kotler, P. and Armstrong, G., 2010. Principles of marketing. Pearson education.

Kotler, P., Armstrong, G., Harker, M. and Brennan, R., 1990. Marketing: an introduction (Vol. 1). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.


For electronic resources:

Marr, B., 2018.The 4th Industrial Revolution Is Here - Are You Ready?, available at: https://www.forbes.com/sites/bernardmarr/2018/08/13/the-4th-industrial-revolution-is-here-are-you-ready/#40c624cf628b (accessed February 29, 2020).

Wikipedia.,2018. The World Factbook list of developed countries, available at; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_World_Factbook_list_of_developed_countries (accessed 10 December, 2018).

Zhou, A., 2017, EY, Deloitte and PwC embrace artificial intelligence for tax and accounting, available at: https://www.forbes.com/sites/adelynzhou/2017/11/14/ey-deloitte-and-pwc-embrace-artificial-intelligence-for-tax-and-accounting/#3ab9fe0b3498 (accessed 01 March, 2020).


For newspaper:


The Telegraph.,2016, Deloitte overtakes PwC as world's biggest accountant, available at: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2016/10/04/deloitte-overtakes-pwc-as-worlds-biggest-accountant/ (accessed 17 November 2017).

The Independent.,2018, Bangladesh secures UN 'developing country' status, available at: https://www.theindependentbd.com/post/141852 (accessed 12.04.2018).


Working paper

Braam, G. and van Beest, F., 2013. Conceptually-based financial reporting quality assessment. An empirical analysis on quality differences between UK annual reports and US 10-K reports. Working Paper.

Van Beest, F., Braam, G. and Boelens, S., 2009. Quality of Financial Reporting: measuring qualitative characteristics. Nijmegen Center for Economics (NiCE). Working Paper, pp.09-108.




  1. Article Submission:

An MS word copy of the manuscript (prepared in line with the sample copy provided in the attached file) must be e-mailed in attached files to [email protected](along with an undertaken (in a separate word file) that the submitted paper is the original work of the author(s) and not yet published elsewhere or not yet accepted anywhere or not yet submitted anywhere for the consideration for publication.


Submission Deadline:30th June, 2020 (However, article can be sent in any of the days throughout the year and will be considered for the issue around the submission).