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Request to submit the Results of Fall-2020 Trimester.


Dated- 6th January-2021

To: All faculty Members (Except Pharmacy)

From: Office of the Controller of Examinations.


Subject: Request to submit the Results of Fall-2020 Trimester.


All faculty members are requested to submit the results of Fall-2020 trimester within 21st January-2021. Faculty members are requested to submit the results (soft copy) in following e.mail number:-

[email protected]

Faculty members can also submit their results (hard copy) directly to the executives of the exam department in Siddeswari campus in all working days.

Faculty members who have not yet submitted the results of Summer-2020 trimester are also requested to submit the results within an earliest possible period.

After receiving the results from the faculty members our office will take necessary initiatives for the publication of the results.


Helaluzzaman chowdhury

Controller of examinations