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Submission of the results of Spring-2021 trimester

Reference: SUB/EXAM/RSN-19 06/28 7092

Dated: 19th June-2021

TO: All faculty Members (except faculty members of Pharmacy department)

From: Office of the Controller of examinations.

Subject: Submission of the results of Spring-2021 trimester.

All faculty members are requested to submit the results of Spring-2021 trimester within 30th June-2021. Faculty members are requested to submit the results of their courses in the following e.mail number:

E.mail: [email protected]

Faculty members can also submit their results directly in the exam office of Siddeswari campus in all working days (Saturday to Thursday) in between 10.00 am to 4.00 pm.


Helaluzzaman Chowdhury

Controller of examinations

Stamford University Bangladesh.