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Midterm Examination of Summer- 2022 Semester of Pharmacy department

Ref: SUB/EXAM/MID-03 09/22/ 28 80030       

Dated: 3rd September, 2022

From: Office of the Controller of Examinations.

To: Students of Pharmacy Department. 


Subject: Midterm Examination of Summer- 2022 Semester of Pharmacy department.


This is to notify that the Midterm examination of Summer-2022 semester of Pharmacy department will be held from 10th September, 2022. (Exam period: 10th  September to 22nd September-2022). Students are advised to get prepared accordingly. 

Students are also advised to pay their outstanding dues & collect their respective Admit card from the students service wing (SSW) of the University for appearing in the Midterm examination. Students can draw their Admit card by logging in to their respective portal of the University website (https://www.stamforduniversityedu.org) after payment of outstanding dues.

Students with outstanding dues will not be allowed to appear in the Midterm Examination.

Controller of Examinations

Stamford University Bangladesh.