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Final Examination of summer- 2021 semester (Department of Pharmacy).

Ref: SUB/EXAM/FEN-BPH-MPM/211123/04       

Dated: 23rd November- 2021

From: Office of the Controller of Examinations.

TO: Students of Pharmacy department.

Subject: Final Examination of summer- 2021 semester (Department of Pharmacy).

This is to notify that the Final examination of Summer-2021 semester of Pharmacy department will be held from 4th December- 2021 as per academic calendar of the University. (Exam period: 4th December to 18th December-2021). Students appearing the exams will have to draw their admit cards by logging in to their respective portals of the University website (https://www.stamforduniversityedu.org). Students will get entry for appearing the exams on display of their Admit cards.

Students are advised to pay their tuition fees latest by 2nd December-2021 and download their Admit cards for appearing in the examinations.

Controller of Examinations

Stamford University Bangladesh.