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Professor Dr. M. Feroze Ahmed
Emeritus Professor

1. Date of Birth :
31 December, 1945
2. Place of Birth :
Gopalgonj, Bangladesh
3. Nationality :
4. Present Address :

House-42, Road-4A, Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka-1209, Bangladesh
Phone: Cell: 8801819 242878; Res.: (880 2) 961 4877 (Res); Off:  (8802) 912 4161, 913 1388  Extn. 227
E.Mail:   [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected]

5. Permanent Address :

Village – West Nizra, P.O.- Ulpur, P.S. and District – Gopalgonj, Bangladesh.

6. Educational Qualification : 1. Ph.D., University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK;
2.M.Sc. in Civil Engineering with specialization in Environmental Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology ( BUET);
3. B.Sc. in Civil Engineering, BUET in 1968.

7. Present Position :
Emeritus Professor, Stamford University Bangladesh  
8. Academic Experience :
1. Vice-Chancellor, Stamford University Bangladesh (2013-2017)
2. Dean, Faculty of Engineering, Stamford University Bangladesh (2012-2013).
3. Professor, Head and Dean, Bangladesh Univ, of Engineering & Technology (1986-2011)
4. Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, BUET  (1977-1986), 
5. Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, BUET (1974-1977)
6. Lecturer in Civil engineering, BUET (1969-1974)
7. Visiting Professor, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK., 1991
Administrative Experience
9.1 Academic    
  1. Vice-Chancellor, Stamford University Bangladesh (2013- 2017);
2. Dean, Faculty of Engineering, Stamford University Bangladesh (2012-2013)
3. Dean, Faculty of Civil Engineering, BUET (1996-1998)
4. Head, Department of Civil Engineering, BUET ( 1991-1993)
5. Director, Planning and Development, BUET (1993-1996)
6. Director and Founder, International Training Network (ITN)-Bangladesh Center for Water Supply and Waste Management at BUET (1996-2003).
7. Manager, BUET- UA (University of Alberta, Canada) Institutional Linkage Project (1994-1997)

9.2 Additional Positions held:    
  1. Chairman, Civil Engineering Division of Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institution (BSTI) responsible for the formulation of Bangladesh Standards (BDS) for engineering materials. (1992-1995)
2. Vice President, Bangladesh Poribesh Andolon (BAPA)
3. Member, Vice-Chairman and Chairman, Dhaka Water Supply and Sewerage Authority (WASA) Board, ( 1998-2009)
4. Member, National Expert Committee on Arsenic Mitigation.
5. Member, International Expert Committee (Geneva Based) constituted for Revision of WHO Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality ( 2004-2011).
6. Convener, Editorial Sub-Committee (Building Services) of Bangladesh National Building Code (BNBC).
7. Member, Expert Committee for the preparation of  National Environmental Quality Standards (EQS), which has been enforced under Environmental Conservation Rules, 1997 as Bangladesh Standards.
8. Member, Committee constituted for the establishment of Military Institutes of Science and Technology (MIST).
9. Member, Committee constituted for the review of the National Water Management Plan.
10. Member, Committee for the preparation of Arsenic Mitigation Policy and Plan for Bangladesh.
11. Trustee and Member, Board of Directors, Global Freshwater action Network (FAN), an international Organization based in London, UK.
12. General Board Member, NGO Forum for Public Health, Bangladesh

 Research and Publication
10.1  Research    

Professor Ahmed has excellent research background in the areas of arsenic contamination of groundwater, treatment of arsenic contaminated water, treatment and disposal of wastewater, solid waste management etc. He has significant contribution to enhance scientific knowledge and technological innovation. He coordinated collaborating research on arsenic contamination of groundwater with Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT, USA), University of Cincinnati (UC, USA), Columbia University (USA), United Nations University (UNU, Japan), Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science & Technology (EAWAG) and University of Miyazaki (Japan). He successfully completed around 10 sponsored research projects and supervised over 30 postgraduate theses for MSc and PhD degrees. He extensively disseminated knowledge acquired from research and innovative practices through technical papers, books, conference proceedings and invited/keynote lectures in many universities and national and international events.

10.2  Publications:    
  1. Professor Ahmed authored 160 publications in international, national journals and conference proceedings including 3 articles in “Science”, one of the world’s top ranked publications reputed for disseminating scientific discoveries. The publications have over 5,000 citations in scholarly literature (Google Scholar Citations) and the number of citation is increasing every year ( https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=SokkPQ4AAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao ). In a Google Web metric survey in May 2015 conducted on the basis of Google Scholar Citation, he was listed as one of the top scientists in Bangladesh. 

2. He authored and edited 20 books and Conference Proceedings, some of them are available online at Harvard University, United Nations University, ITN-BUET websites for international researcher. Hard copies of some books and proceedings have been cataloged is 215 libraries all over the world ( https://worldcat.org/identities/lccn-no2001060005/ ).His book on Water Supply and Sanitation is a popular text book in all public and private universities in Bangladesh offering Civil Engineering degree. This book is also used as a text and reference book in some universities in UK, Canada, Denmark and African Countries.

3. He contributed a chapter in several reputed books published by world’s leading publishers such as John Wiley and sons, Elsevier, Springer etc.

4. He is one of the main contributors to the Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality, 4th edition published by the World Health Organization, Geneva in 2011 and Towards a More Effective Operational Response – Arsenic Contamination of Groundwater in South and East Asian Countries published by The World Bank in 2005. These books are extensively used globally for setting national standards and providing safe drinking water.

5. He is a reviewer of technical paper of International Journal of Environment and Waste management, Journal American Society of Civil Engineers, Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition and several Books published by International Publishers and the World Health Organization.

 Consultancy/Expert/Advisory Services

Professor Dr. M. Feroze Ahmed worked as a Consultant/Expert/Advisor to many Civil and Environmental Engineering projects of national importance. Some of the Major Projects Include:

1. Design and Construction of Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project (PMBP) as a Member, Panel of Experts (POE), Bangladesh Bridge Authority, Government of People’s Republic of Bangladesh.(on going)

2. Design and construction of Bangabandhu Bridge on the River Jamuna, the largest Infrastructure Development Project built in Bangladesh, as a Member, International Panel of Experts (Environment and Resettlement), the highest Advisory Panel on Technical Issues.3. Preparation of the Environmental Management Action Plan (EMAP) complying with the co-financiers’ requirements for Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge Project as Team Leader of a Group of National and Co-financier’s nominated International Experts.

4. Preparation of the Environmental Guidelines for the Construction of Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge as Team Leader of National and International experts.

5. Preparation of Master Plan for Construction of Cyclone Shelter in the Coastal Area of Bangladesh as a Member of a Team of BUET and BIDS Experts.
Visit to Padma Bridge Construction Site to Review Progress of Construction.
Construction Site Visit of  Bangabandhu Bridge on Jamuna River
The Shilpa Bank Building
6. Design and construction of 22-Storied Bangladesh Shilpa Bank Building (First High-rise R.C. Building in Bangladesh) as a Member of BUET Team consisting of 3 BUET Experts.

7. Design of 20-storied Dhaka WASA Building (yet to be constructed to full height) as a Member of BUET Team consisting of 3 BUET Experts.

8. Design of 20-storied Steel and Engineering Corporation Building (yet to be constructed to full height) as a Member of BUET Team consisting of 3 BUET Experts. 9. Design of Ziaur Rahman Medical College and Hospital at Bogra as a member of a Team of BUET Consultants.

10. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of  Matuail Solid Waste Dumpsite”, and “Conversion of Existing Dumpsite into a Semi-Aerobic Engineered Landfill” including “Preparation of Operation Manual for the Landfill”, as Team Leader of a  Team  of BUET Experts.

11. Preparation of Coastal Environmental Management Plan for Bangladesh, as a Member of an Expert Group mobilized by UNESCAP, Bangkok.

11. Environmental Impact Assessment of Flood, 1988 as an Environmental Expert mobilized by Department of Environment, Bangladesh after devastating flood of 1988 in Bangladesh..

13 Environmental Impact Assessment of Confidence Cement Factory, Chittagong as Team Leader of BUET Experts.
Converted Existing Waste Dumpsite into a Semi-aerobic Engineered Landfill at Matuail

14 Checked the design of Plumbing System of City Centre Building of Dhaka City Corporation as Member BUET Experts.

15. Checked the Design of Towers of East-West Electrical Inter-Connector over the River Jamuna, Bangladesh Power Development Board as a Member of BUET Team of Experts.

16. Preparation of SIDA funded Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment of Rural Infrastructures, as Team Leader.

17. Preparation of Earthwork Manual for Rural Roads and Manual for Construction of Small Bridges for Local Government Engineering Department, as a Member of BUET Team of Consultants, Funded by USAID and Government of Bangladesh.

18. Preliminary Design and Technical Negotiation of Design-built Contract for Josholdia Water Treatment Plant of Dhaka WASA and Rajshahi Water Treatment Plant of Rajshahi WASA with Chinese Counterpart as Expert Member of Bangladesh Team.

19. Preliminary Design and Technical Negotiation of Design-built Contract for Dasherkandi Sewage Treatment Plant of Dhaka WASA with Chinese Counterpart as an Expert Member of  Bangladesh Team.

20. SDG 6 Targets and Indicator for Universal Access to WASH - Implications, Challenges and Way Forward for Bangladesh, Advisory  Services to WaterAid Funded Projrct.
21. Chairman (Umpire), Arbitral Tribunal in the matter of Construction of Chittagong World Trade Centre between Concord Engineers and Construction Ltd (CECL) and Chittagong Chamber of Commerce and Industries (CCCI).

22. Sole Dispute Board Member, Distribution Network Improvement (DNI) Project for Adjudication of Dispute between Employer (Dhaka WASA) and Contractor (RPL-FSL-CRFG(JV).

23. Fecal Studge Management in Bangladesh, Funded by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation as an Advisor to WaterAid-Bnagladesh Study Group.

24. Evaluation of Performance of Co- compostion Plant at Shakhipur, WaterAid- Bangladesh.
The Bangladesh-China Technical Negotiation Team for Rajshahi Water Treatment Plant
Co-composting (Faecal Sludge &Solid Waste) Plant at Shakhipur

25. Faecal Sludge Managemnt in Faridpur District, Practical Action, Bangladesh
 Major Achievements/Contributions
12.1  Building Academic and Research Institutions
1. Prof. Ahmed pioneered Environmental Science and Engineering education and research in the country through establishment of a strong Environmental Engineering Division at BUET. It is now the strongest environmental engineering education program and research facilities in the country.

2. He established Danida/World Bank financed International Training Network (ITN) Centre for Water Supply and Waste Management at BUET having linkage with other ITN centres in Asia and Africa. ITN centre at BUET is now an internationally reputed Centre of Excellence and Resource Centre in the field of water and sanitation.

3. He contributed towards establishment of Petroleum Engineering Department, Centre for Continuing Education, and Centre for Environment and Resource Management at BUET as Project Manager of the BUET- UA (University of Alberta) Linkage Project under which these department and Centres were established.

4. Prof Ahmed established the Military Institute of Technology (MIST) as a Member of the Committee constituted by the Hon’able Prime Minister, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh for establishment of this institute.

5.  He designed Civil and Environmental Engineering Programs of Islamic University of Technology (IUT), Shajalal University of Science and Technology (SUST) and North-South University (NSU).

6. Prof. Ahmed upgraded the academic programs of Civil Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Computer Science Engineering programs of Stamford University Bangladesh and earned professional recognition through accreditation of the Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh Professional recognition of Architecture Program of Stamford University Bangladesh was also achieved through accreditation of the Institute of Architecture Bangladesh.

7. He established Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) to enhance the quality of education at Stamford University Bangladesh. Stamford University is one of the First Three universities that received World Bank fund through UGC/Ministry of Education under Higher Education Quality Enhancement Project (HEQEP) to establish IQAC.
ITN-BUET Building at BUET
Receiving Accreditation Certificate of the Department of Architecture from Institute of Architects, Bangladesh
Signing of Agreement for Establishment of IQAC at Stamford University Bangladesh

 Contribution to National Development

1. Professor Ahmed contributed towards preparation of National Environmental Quality Standards (EQS), Bangladesh Building Code and Arsenic Mitigation Policy and Implementation Plan for Bangladesh to create an enabling environment for sustainable development.

2. He was one of the pioneers in the design and construction of high-rise buildings in the country. He designed and supervised the design and construction of some high-rise buildings including Shilpa Bank Building, the first 22-storied high-rise Reinforced Concrete building constructed in Dhaka. Construction of these high-rise concrete buildings contributed towards building confidence among engineers to go for high-rise construction considering soil and lateral load conditions.

3. He also worked as an expert in the preparation of Master Plan for construction of Cyclone Shelter in the cyclone-prone coastal area of Bangladesh. About 3,500 cyclone shelters have been constructed so far in the coastal area following the Master Plan to provide shelter during cyclone. Availability of a shelter within short distance along with improved early warning system has reduced loss of lives from 500,000 in 1970 and 150,000 in 1991 Cyclone to a few from similar cyclone in the coastal area..

4. He worked as a Member, Panel of Experts (PoE) for the design and construction of 4.8 km long Bangabandhu Bridge on the river Jamuna, which greatly contributed to socio-economic development of north-western part of Bangladesh.
Bangabondhu Bridge on the River Jamuna, a Milestone of Development of Bangladesh.
5. Presently working as a Member, PoE for building 6.15 km long Padma Multipurpose Bridge to connect south-western part to eastern part of Bangladesh. This bridge will be the largest infrastructure development project of Bangladesh and is expected to increase GDP by 1.2 percent.

6. He also contributed to innovation, development and dissemination of technological process to solve major environmental problems of Bangladesh e.g.

1. He conducted extensive work on arsenic removal technologies including development of new technologies, laboratory and field verification of existing technologies, performance at point of use, improvement and validation based on performance and selection of technologies for deployment in Bangladesh. The arsenic mitigation technologies and awareness program helped millions of people to get arsenic-safe water.

2. He converted Matuail solid waste dumping site of Dhaka City Corporation into an Engineered Sanitary Landfill as Team Leader of a Team of BUET experts. An innovative technology is adopted in the landfill to create a semi-aerobic condition instead of usual anaerobic condition in the deposited waste to reduce emission of Methane, which is a green house gas (GHG) of very high global warming potential. This is a unique technology in practice, visited by many experts and municipal authorities of different countries.

3. He also design and constructed a new innovative ETP for Echotex Limited, a composite textile unit located in Chandra, Gazipur using advanced Sequential Batch Reactor (SBR) for biological treatment and Ozone generator for oxidizing colour pigment for the first time in Bangladesh. Technological superiority of the ETP is proved by consistently producing clear effluent of very high quality consistent with European Standard. The ETP received the National Environment Award, 2010 for its high efficiency in removing pollutants from textile dying wastewater..


Padma Multipurpose Bridge, the Largest Infrastructure Development Project in Bangladesh
12.3  Regional and International Contributions

1. His research work in collaboration with MIT (USA) made a breakthrough in the understanding the mechanism of arsenic contamination of groundwater. The outcome of this breakthrough research in the field of arsenic is published in “Science” Journal. This paper along with its follow up discussion has been cited 1125 times by scientists in reputed research journals. His extensive works in the field of arsenic and collaboration with other scientist led to a policy paper to ensure arsenic-safe water in Bangladesh which is also published in “Science” and cited in 266 scholarly articles.
2. He contributed towards updating WHO “Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality” as an expert and Contributed Arsenic Mitigation Section to World Bank Publication “Towards a More Effective Operational Response – Arsenic Contamination of Groundwater in South and East Asian Countries”. These two publications are extensively consulted in member countries to develop national standards and helped millions of people to get safe drinking water.

3. He is one of the pioneers of sanitation movement in South Asia, which started in 2003 through organization of 1st ministerial level South Asian Conference on Sanitation (SACOSAN I) in Dhaka. He participated in all the subsequent SACOSANs in Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka and Nepal as a member of Bangladesh delegates and actively participated in the development of strategies to achieve MDG for sanitation. The movement contributed to higher progress in sanitation in South Asian countries as compared to global progress. He also presented the Keynote paper in the SACOSAN VI held in Dhaka in January 2016 at the end of MDG period and moderated the session participated by 8-country focal persons including secretaries and ministers to prepare Dhaka Declaration to move sanitation target from MDG to SDG, particularly to achieve SDG Target 6.2.
4. Prof. Ahmed is a reputed resource person within as well as outside the country. He delivered invited/keynote lectures to disseminate  knowledge and outcomes of research at around 90 regional/ international events and universities in 28 countries and over 70 national events in the field of engineering and technology. As an expert member of Bangladesh delegation to United Nations he spoke at a UN Side Event on Bangladesh highlighting Bangladesh’s success in sanitation through adoption of innovative approach and shared learning from Bangladesh.
Moderated SACOSAN-IV Declaration to Move Sanitation Targets from MDG to SDG
Speaking at UN Side Event at UN HQ,NY, on Participatory Approach to Sanitation: Learning from Bangladesh
 Awards and Recognitions:

Professor M. Feroze  Ahmed earned national and International recognition and prestigious awards as an educator, a professional engineer and as a scientist. The major awards and recognition are cited below:

1. He received BUET (Dr. Rashid Memorial) Gold Medal, 1998 in recognition of excellence in teaching, research, active participation in national and international forum and contribution to BUET administration. Hon'able Prime Minister, Government of People’s Republic of Bangladesh and Chancellor of BUET formally awarded this prestigious medal on 20th January 2001 on the occasion of the 6th

2. He received  IEB Gold Medal, 2004 by  The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh in recognition of meritorious performance and service to the nation and to engineering profession as well as valuable contribution towards enhancement of knowledge and innovation in discharging duties. Hon'able Prime Minister, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh formally awarded this prestigious medal as Chief Guest on 14th May, 2005 during 49th Annual Convention of the Institution of Engineers in the Port City of Chittagong.

3. Prof. Ahmed received  Bangladesh Academy of Science (Dr. M.O. Ghani Memorial) Gold Medal, 2007 for excellent research works and contribution to the progress of science and technology. This highly prestigious gold medal was formally awarded on 31 July, 2011 by the Hon’able Minister in charge of Science and ICT on behalf of the President of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh.

4. He worked as the first BUET Coordinator of BUET-MIT(USA) research Team, which received Prince Sultan Bin AbdulAziz Prize for Water for solving the puzzle of arsenic contamination of groundwater.

5. He has received Asia Education Leadership Award-2016 for exceptional leadership quality and achievements. The award was formally awarded at 7th Asia’s Education Excellence Awards 2016 Program held at Pan Pacific Marina Hotel in Singapore. https://www.bschoolaffaire.com/asiabest_awards_16.html

6. He has been recognized by American Chemical Society (ACS) as a leading scientist in the field of arsenic research by publishing his works and views on arsenic contamination under the element Arsenic in a Periodic Table ( https://pubs.acs.org/cen/80th/arsenic.html ). American Chemical Society published this Periodic Table on the occasion of 80th anniversary of the Society citing the works of a contemporary world renowned scientist under each element of the Periodic Table.

7. He received Lifelong Achievement Award by WaterAid, Bangladesh for Promotion of Rainwater Harvesting in Bangladesh.
Receiving Gold Medal from Hon’able Prime Minister of Bangladesh
Receiving Gold Medal from Hon’able 
Science & ICT Minister
Receiving Asia Education Leadership
Award in Singapore
 Professional Membership:
  1. Fellow, Bangladesh Academy of Sciences (FBAS)
2. Fellow, Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh (FIEB),
3. Member, American Society of Civil Engineers (MASCE);
4. Member, Asian Society for Environmental Protection (MASEP);
5. Member, Indian Association for Environmental Management (IEM);
6. Member, Bangladesh Association for Advancement of Science (BAAS);
7. Member, National Association for EIA, Bangladesh ( NAEIAB);
8. Member, National Oceanographic and Maritime Institute (NOAMI),



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