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Professor Dr. M. Feroze Ahmed
Emeritus Professor


List of Technical Papers


Ahmed, M.F. and Ahmed,T.(2022).Renewable Energy from Municipal Solid Waste in Bangladesh, In: Ahmed, M.F and Badruzzaman, A, (Ediitors)Energy, Climate Change and Sustainable Development. Bangladesh PoribeshAndolon (BAPA) and Bangladesh Environment Network (BEN),177-190.


(i) Bengali Version

Ahmed, M.F. (2022) PadmaSetu : AktiSwapnerBustobayon, In: Momen A.K.A. (Editor) AmaderTakaeAmader Padma Setu..Chandraboti Academy, 83-89.

(ii) English Version

Ahmed, M.F. (2022) Padma Bridge : Turing a Dream into Reality. In: Momen A.K.A. (Editor) Our Padma Bridge with Our Money. Chandraboti Academy, (In Press).


Ahmed, M F.(2022) Value of Water, In: Shahed, S.M. and Bashit, S. (Editors) Water Climate Environment, United Nations Association of Bangladesh (UNAB), 337-342.


Ahmed, M.F., Ahmed, T and Rahman, M.T. (2022) Environmental Safeguard in the Construction of Padma Bridge, MIST Journal of Science and Technology (MIJST), Vol.10, November (Special Issue: Padma Bridge): 23-31.


Ahmed, M F.(2022) No Deprivation in Water Right, In: Shahed, S.M. and Bashit, S. (Editors) Water Climate Environment, United Nations Association of Bangladesh (UNAB), 279-305.


(i) Bengali Version

Ahmed, M.F et al.. (2022) SupeoPani, Sanitation O Shastha. In: Chowdhury, AMR, Ahmed, Y.,Islam, K. and Moral, S (Editors) ShadhinotarPonchashBochor : BangladesherShasthyaKhater BikashProthomaPrakashani : 113-134.

(ii) English Version

Ahmed, M.F et al.. (2023), Safe Drinking Water, Sanitation and Hygiene: In: Chowdhury, AMR, Ahmed, Y., Islam, K. and Moral, S (Editors), 50 Years of Bangladesh: Advances in Health, The University Press Limited: 115-140


Ahmed, M.F. (2021) Adaptation to Fourth Industrial Revolution for Sustainable Development of Bangladesh. Proc. International Conference on Sustainable Development in Technology for 4th Industrial Revolution (ICSDTIR-2021), Port City International University: 33-36.


Ahmed, M. F. (2020). Padma Multipurpose Bridge: A Dream is Becoming True, Proc. IABSE-JSCE International Conference on Advances in Bride Engineering-IV, Dhaka, Bangladesh. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nr7Le33IX6Y


Ahmed, M.F. (2019), Engineering Challenges of Building Bridge on the River Padma, 5th International Conference on Engineering Research. Innovation & Education, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST). January 25-27. 2019 : 41-42.


Ahmed, M. F. and Ahmed, T. (2018), Cyclone Shelter Construction in the Coastal Areas of Bangladesh and Its impact, Stamford University Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol.6 Issue 1: 17-26.


Ahmed, M.F. (2018), Overcoming Regulatory Barrier of Rainwater for Drinking. International Workshop on Rainwater for Drinking (RFD): Overcoming the Barrier, WASAT(Water, Sanitation and Appropriate Technology) Centre, Seoul National University,  Republic of Korea.18-19 June 2018: 110-124.


Ahmed, M.F. (2018).Water for Sustainable Development.  In: Ahmed, M.F.,Rahman, M.S, and Muktadir, M.G.(Editors) Water Sustains Development.. Ministry of Local Gov. Rural Development and Cooperatives, Government of Bangladesh: 21-36.


Ahmed, M.F. (2016). Building the Padma Multipurpose Bridge. In: Islam S. Md. et.al (eds) Proceedings of ther 3rd International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering (ICACE), 21-23 December, CUET, Cox’s Bazar, Chittagong, Bangladesh: xv-xvii.


Rahman, Md.S., Mortula, Md.M. and Ahmed, M.F.(2016). A Computer Based Design of RWHS. Stamford Journal of Civil Engineering. Vol.5, Issue1: 1-5.


Ahmed, M.F. (2016). Revisit MGD for Moving Towards SDG. In: Ahmed, M. F., Muktadir M.F, and Rahma, I. (Eds.) Sanitation in South Asia. Ministry of Local Gov. Rural Development and Cooperatives, Government of Bangladesh: 47-60.


Ahmed, M.F. and Ahmed, T. (2014). Environmental Impact Assessment of Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge Project. Stamford Journal of Civil Engineering. Vol.4, Issue2: 1-12.


Ahmed, M.F. (2014). A Model for Prediction of Microbial Disease Burden of Water Supply Options in Bangladesh. Stamford Journal of Microbiology. Vol.4, Issue 1: 31-36.


Ahmed, M. F. and Ahmed, T. (2014). Status of Remediation of Arsenic Contamination in Bangladesh. In: S. Ahuja(Editor in Chief) Comprehensive Water Quality and Purification, Vol. 1. Elsevier.; pp 104-121.


Ahmed, M.F. (2014). Disease Burden from Arsenic Contaminated Drinking-water in Rural Areas of Bangladesh. Port City International University Journal, Vol.1, Number 1.: 54-64.


Ahmed, M.F., Ahmed, T. and Majed, N. (2012). Zero Discharge ETP for Textile Dyeing Industry: An Advanced Option for Environmental Sustainability. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Environmental Technology and Construction Engineering for Sustainable Development, Sylhet, 10-12 March: 1-14


Opel, A., Bashar, M.K. and Ahmed, M.F. (2012), Faecal Sludge Management in Bangladesh; An Issue that Needs Urgent  Attention, Asia Regional Sanitation and Hygiene Practitioners’ Workshop. Dhaka. January 31- 2 February, 2012: 1-9.


Rahman, I and Ahmed, M.F. (2010) Evaluation of Performance of Saidabad Water Treatment Plant. In Ahmed M.F and Tanveer S.A (Eds.) Bangladesh Environment 2010, Bangladesh Poribesh Andolon (BAPA) and Bangladesh Environment Network (BEN): 715-729


Ahmed, M.F. (2010), Environmental Engineering for Sustainable Development, Proceedings of the Specialized Seminar’10: Sustainable Development & Environment Friendly Building Materials, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet: 7-12.


Ahmed, M.F. (2009) Environmental Impacts of Sea-level Rise on the Coastal Areas of Bangladesh. In: Bhattacharya, D. et al (Eds.) Climate Change and Task for Bangladesh. Bangladesh Poribesh Ahdolon (BAPA) and Bangladesh Environment Network (BEN): 88-100)


Ahmed, M. F. (2009), Science and Technology for Sustainable Development, Proceedings of the First Symposium of the  Japan Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS) and Bangladesh JSPS Alumni Association, Jahangir Nagar University, Bangladesh:18-29.


Ahmed, M. F. (2009) Arsenic Contamination of Groundwater and Its Effect on Health, Abstracts Book-1, 62nd Geological Congress of Turkey, 13-17 April, 2009, Ankara, Turkey: 504-505.


Visoottiviseth, P. and Ahmed, F. (2009) Technology for Remediation and Disposal of Arsenic. In: David M. Whitacre (Ed.) Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology., Vol. 197, Springer, N.Y, USA & Heidelberg, Germany: 77-128.


Ahmed, M.F. (2008) Sanitation, Health and Millennium Development Goals, 3rd South Asian Conference on Sanitation (SACOSAN-III),New Delhi, India, November. [https://ddws.nic.in/ infosacosan/]


Ahmed, M.F. (2008) Arsenic Contamination of Groundwater and Its impacts on Water Supply and Irrigation, Proceedings of XXXVI IAH Congress, Integrating Groundwater Science and Human Well-being, October 2008, Toyama, Japan, S-13, p336_2: 1-10.


Ahmed, M.F. (2008) Water Supply Technologies for Arsenic Mitigation. In: S. Ahuja, Ed. Arsenic Contamination of Groundwater: Mechanism, Analysis and Remediation. John Wiley and Sons, Inc. New York.: 331-367.


Ahmed, M.F., Howard, G. and Deere, D.(2008). A Model for Prediction of Disease Burden for Arsenic and Microbial Pathogens in Drinking Water. Water Convention Abstract, Singapore International Water Week. 26-27.


Ahmed, M.F. (2008).Improvement of Solid Waste Disposal Facilities at Matuail in Dhaka City. In: Alamgir et al (Eds.) Waste Safe 2008 - Proceedings of the National Seminar on Solid Waste Management, 9-10 February, Khulna, Bangladesh:1-12.


Mahmud, S. G. Shamsuddin, S. A. J., Ahmed, M. F,, Davison, A., Deere, D. and Howard, G. (2007). Development and implementation of water safety plans for small water supplies in Bangladesh: benefits and lessons learned, Journal of Water and Health, Vol. 5. No.3: 585–597.


Howard, G., Ahmed, M. F., Teunis, P., Mahmud, S. G., Davison, A. and Deere, D. (2007) Disease Burden Estimation to Support Policy Decision-making and Research Prioritization for Arsenic Mitigation, Journal of Water and Health, Vol.5. No.1, 2007, 67-81.

35. Heijnen, H. Pathak, N. Ahmed M. F. (2007), WHO Draft Guidelines for Use of Rainwater for Human Consumption, Rainwater and Urban Design 2007, 13th International Rainwater Catchment Systems Conference, Sydney, Australia – August.

Chowdhury, M.A.I., Uddin M.T., Ahmed, M.F., Ali, M.A., Rasul, SMA, Hoque, M. A., Alam, R., Shamim, R., Uddin S.M. and Islam, M.S. (2006) Collapse of Socio-economic Base of Bangladesh by Arsenic Contamination of Groundwater, Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, 9 (9): 1617-1627.


Chowdhury, M.A.I., Uddin M.T., Ahmed, M.F., Ali, M.A. and Uddin S.M. (2006) How Does Arsenic Contamination of Groundwater Causes Severity and Health Hazard in Bangladesh, Journal of Applied Science, 6 (6) : 1275-1286.


Ahmed,M.F., Ahuja,S.,Alauddin,M.,Hug,S.J.,Lloyd,J.R.,Pfaff,A.,Pichler,A, Saltikov,C., Stute, M. van Geen, A. (1996) Ensuring Safe Drinking Water in Bangladesh. Science, Vol 314, 15 December. 1687-1688.


Howard G, Ahmed MF, Shamsuddin AJ, Mahmud SG, Deere D. (2006). Risk assessment of arsenic mitigation options in Bangladesh. J Health Popul Nutr; Vol.24, No. 3, September: 346-56.


Harvey, C.F., Ashfaque, K.N., Yu, W., Badruzzaman, A.B.M., Ali, M.A., Oates, P.M., Michael, H.A., Neumann, R.B., Beckie, R., Islam, S. and Ahmed, M.F. (2006) Grounwater Dynamics and Arsenic Contamination in Bangladesh, Chemical Geology, 228, 112-136.


Harvey, C.F., Swartz, C.H., Badruzzaman, A.B.M., Keon-Blute, N., Yu, W., Ali, M. A., Jay, J., Beckie, R., Niedan, V., Brabander, D., Oates, P., Ashfaque, K.N., Islam, S., Hemond, H.F. and Ahmed, M.F. (2005). Groundwater Arsenic Contamination on the Ganges Delta: Biochemistry, Hydrology, Human Perturbation and Human Suffering on a Large Scale. C. R. Geoscience, 337, 285-296.


Shamsuddin, S. A. J., Mahmud,S.G., Ahmed, M. F, Deere, D., Davison, A. and Howard, G.(2005). Developing a Water-safety Framework in Bangladesh, Waterlines, Vol. 23. No.4:


Hossain, M.K., Khan, M.M.H., Alam, M.A.,Chowdhury, A.K., Hossain, M.D., Ahmed, M.F., Kobayashi, K., Sakauchi, F., and Mori, M. (2005), Manifestation of Arsenicosis Patients and Factors Determining the Duration of Arsenic Symptoms in Bangladesh, Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, Elsevier inc. 208 (2005): 78-86.


Hossain, M.K., Khan, M.M.H., Alam, M.A., Rahmat Ali, Hossain, M.D., Ahmed, M.F., Quamruzzaman, Q., Kobayashi, K., Sakauchi, F., and Mori, M. (2005). Factor Associated with urinary Arsenic among Chronic Arsenicosis Patient in Bangladesh, American Journal of Epidemiology.


Khan, M.A.H., Hossain, M.K.,  Kobayashi, K., Sakauchi, F., Yamashita, T., Ahmed, M.F., Hossain, M.D., Quamruzzaman, Q. and Mori, M. (2005). Level of Blood and Urine Chemicals Associated with Longer Duration of having Arsenicosis in Bangladesh, International Journal of Environmental Health Research, Taylor & Francis Pub. Vol. 15 No.4 :289-301.


Ahmed, M.F. (2005). Safe Water, Sanitation and Millennium Development Goals. Proceeding of the National Seminar on Engineering in Millennium Development Goals, 49th Annual Convention, The Institution of Engineers, Chittagong,  14-16 May. 1-22.


Ahmed, M.F. (2005). Arsenic Mitigation Technologies in South and East Asia. In: Towards A More Effective Operational Response, Vol.2, Technical Report, No.31303, Water and Sanitation Program-South Asia and The World Bank. 166-207.


Ahmed, M.F. (2005)  Policy Development for Arsenic Mitigation in Bangladesh, Arsenic Contamination in Groundwater-Technical and Policy Dimension. Pan American Health Organization. [https://www.cepis.ops-oms.org/bvsacd/arsenico/arseniccont/policy.pdf ]:27-28.


Harvey, C.F., Swartz, C.H., Badruzzaman, A.B.M., Keon-Blute, N., Yu, W., Ali, M.A., Jay, J., Beckie, R., Niedan, V., Brabander, D., Oates, P.M., Ashfaque, K.N., Islam, S., Hemond, H.F. and Ahmed, M.F. (2004). Groundwater Arsenic Contamination on the Ganges Delta: biochemistry, hydrology, human perturbation, and human suffering on a large scale, C.R. Geoscience , 337(2005): 285-296


Ahmed, M.F. (2004) An Assessment of Arsenic Problem in Bangladesh. In: Research Studies on  Health Impact of Arsenic Exposure, Bangladesh Medical Research Council (BMRC), Mohakhali, Dhaka, Bangladesh:269-277.


Ahmed, M. F. (2004).  Cost of Water Supply Options for Arsenic Mitigation, In: Godfrey, S (Ed.) People-Centred Approaches to Water and Sanitation. Proc. 30the WEDC Conference, Vientiane, Lao PDR., October: 600-603.


Ahmed, M.F., Shamsuddin, A.J., Mahmud, S.G., Ince, M., Howard, G., Badruzzaman, A.B.M. and Rahman,M.M (2004). Arsenic Mitigation : Water Quality of Dug Wells and Deep Tubewells. In: Godfrey, S (Ed.) People-Centred Approaches to Water and Sanitation. Proc. 30the WEDC Conference, Vientiane, Lao PDR., October: 596-599.


Ahmed, M. F. (2004). Sanitation in South Asian Countries, Proc. South Asian Conference on Sanitation, 2003. ISBN 984-32-1500-1, Ministry of Local Govt. Rural development and Cooperatives, Government of Bangladesh, Dhaka, 21-23 October, 2003:4-7.


Ahmed, M. F. (2003) Arsenic Contamination of Groundwater in Bangladesh, Journal Institute of Public Health Engineers, India, Vol. 2003 No. 4: 10-19


Ahmed, M. F. (2003). Arsenic. Chemical and Engineering News, (Special Issue Celebrating the Periodic Tables of Elements on the C&EN’s the 80th Anniversary), American Chemical Society, Vol. 81, No. 36, September 8: 92.


Sohel, K.M.A., Chowdhury, M.A.I, Ahmed, M.F. (2003). Surface Water Quality In and Around Dhaka City,  Journal  Water SRT- Aqua, Vol. 52: 141-153.


Ahmed, M. F. (2003). Use of Groundwater in Arsenic Affected Areas. In: A. Atiq Rahman and Peter Ravenscroft (eds.) Groundwater Resources and Development in Bangladesh, ISBN 984 05 1643 4 ,The University Press Ltd.: 435-446.


Ahmed, M. F.  (2003). Methane Recovery from Municipal Solid Wastes in Bangladesh, Proc. 3rd International Conference on Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development, ISBN 984-32-0869-2. The Institution of Engineer, Dhaka 2-4 October.: 219-22.


Ahmed M.F. (2003), Arsenic Contamination of Groundwater in Bangladesh, The Third World Water Forum : Bangladesh Delegation Report, Kyoto, Japan, 16-20 March. Ministry of Water Resources, Govt. of Bangladesh: 83-90.


Ali, M.A., Badruzzaman, A.B.M., Jalil, M.A., Hossain, M.D., Ahmed, M.F., Al-Masud, A., Kamruzzaman, M., and Rahman, A.R.(2003). Fate of Arsenic Extracted with Groundwater. In: M.F.Ahmed et al (eds), Fate of Arsenic in the Environment, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology and United nations University, February: 7-20.


Chowdhury, M.A.I., Ahmed, M.F. and Ali, M.A. (2003) Influence of Upstream Sediment on Arsenic Contamination of Groundwater in Bangladesh. In: M.F.Ahmed et al (eds), Fate of Arsenic in the Environment, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology and United nations University, February: 21-36.


Ali, M.A., Badruzzaman, A.B.M., Jalil, M.A., Hossain, M.D., Ahmed, M.F., Al-Masud, A., Kamruzzaman, M., and Rahman, A.R.(2003) Arsenic in Plant-Soil Environment in Bangladesh. In: M.F.Ahmed et al (eds), Fate of Arsenic in the Environment, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology and United nations University, February: 85-112.


Ali, M.A., Badruzzaman, A.B.M., Jalil, M.A., Ahmed, M.F., Al-Masud, A., Kamruzzaman, M., and Rahman, A.R.(2003). Fate of Arsenic in Wastes Generated from Arsenic Removal Units. In: M.F.Ahmed et al (eds), Fate of Arsenic in the Environment, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology and United nations University, February: 147-160.


Ahmed, M.F. (2003). Policy Development for Arsenic Mitigation in Bangladesh. Proceedings UNU-NIES International Workshop on Arsenic Contamination in Groundwater-Technical and Policy Dimensions. 27-28


Ahmed, M. F. (2003). Arsenic Contamination: Regional and Global Scenario. In: Arsenic Contamination: Bangladesh Perspectives. ISBN 984-32-0350-X. ITN Centre, BUET, June 2003: 1-20.


Ali, M.A. and Ahmed, M. F. (2003). Environmental Chemistry of arsenic. In: Arsenic Contamination: Bangladesh Perspectives. ISBN 984-32-0350-X.  ITN Centre, BUET, June 2003: 21-41.


Ahmed, M. F. (2003). Arsenic Contamination of Groundwater in Bangladesh. In: Arsenic Contamination: Bangladesh Perspectives. ISBN 984-32-0350-X.  ITN Centre, BUET, June 2003: 42-62.


Ahmed, M. F. (2003). Treatment of Arsenic Contaminated Water. In: Arsenic Contamination: Bangladesh Perspectives. ISBN 984-32-0350-X.  ITN Centre, BUET, June 2003: 354-403.


Ahmed, M. F. and Ali, M.A.(2003). The Role of Iron in Arsenic Contamination and Remediation. In: Arsenic Contamination: Bangladesh Perspectives. ISBN 984-32-0350-X.   ITN Centre, BUET, June 2003: 419-428


Jalil, M.A. and Ahmed, M. F. (2003). Arsenic Detection and Measurement by Field Test Kits. In: Arsenic Contamination: Bangladesh Perspectives. ISBN 984-32-0350-X.  ITN Centre, BUET, June 2003: 442-458.


Ahmed, M. F. (2003). Drinking Water Standards and Guideline Value for Arsenic: A Critical Analysis. In: Arsenic Contamination: Bangladesh Perspectives. ISBN 984-32-0350-X.  ITN Centre, BUET, June 2003: 495-509.


Nuruzzaman, M. and Ahmed. M. F. (2003). Arsenic Mitigation Strategy in Bangladesh. In: Arsenic Contamination: Bangladesh Perspectives. ISBN 984-32-0350-X.  ITN Centre, BUET, June 2003: 510-525.


arvey, C.F., Swartz, C.H., Badruzzaman, A.B.M., Keon-Blute, N., Yu, W., Ali, M.A., Jay, J., Beckie, R., Niedan, V., Brabander, D., Oates, P.M., Ashfaque, K.N., Islam, S., Hemond, H.F. and Ahmed, M.F. (2003) Arsenic Mobility and Groundwater Extraction in Bangladesh: Technical Comments and Discussion, Science, Vol. 00:584b-584e.


Harvey, C.F., Swartz, C.H., Badruzzaman, A.B.M., Keon-Blute, N., Yu, W., Ali, M.A., Jay, J., Beckie, R., Niedan, V., Brabander, D., Oates, P.M., Ashfaque, K.N., Islam, S., Hemond, H.F. and Ahmed, M.F. (2002). Arsenic Mobility and Groundwater Extraction in Bangladesh, Science, Vol. 298, November: 1602-1606.


Ahmed, M.F. (2002). Arsenic Contamination of Groundwater: Proc. The Arsenic Problem and Mitigation Strategy in Bangladesh. The 9th Forum on Arsenic Contamination of Groundwater in Asia, Yokohama, Japan, November: 123-131.


Ahmed, M. F. (2002), Water Supply and Sanitation: Situation in Bangladesh, Journal Institute of Public Health Engineers, India, Vol. 2002, No. 4.


Chowdhury M.A.I, Ahmed, M.F. and Gaffar, M.A.(2002) Management of Non-revenue Water in Four Cities of Bangladesh, Journal American Water Works Association (AWWA), Vol. 94, No. 8.: 64-75.


Khan, M.M.T., Yamamoto, K. and Ahmed, M.F. (2002) A Low Cost Technique of Arsenic Removal from Drinking Water by Coagulation Using Ferric Chloride Salt and Alum, Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, Vol. 2. No 2 : 281-288.


Ahmed, M.F. Prevalence of Skin Lesions in Some Arsenic Affected Areas of Bangladesh,  5th International Conference on Arsenic  Exposure and Health Effects, San Diego, California, USA, July 14-18, 2002: p141


Ahmed M. F. (2002), Environment and Sustainable Development: A Conceptual Model, In: M. F. Ahmed et al (eds.), Bangladesh Environment 2002, Bangladesh Poribesh Andolon, December:1048-1061.


Ahmed, M.F. (2002), Water Supply and Sanitation: Access and Sustainability. In: Brian Reed (Ed.), Sustainable Environmental Sanitation and Water Services. Proceedings of the 28th WEDC Conference, Kolkata, India: 35-40


Ahmed M. F. (2002) Small-scale Treatment of Arsenic Contaminated Groundwater, Proc. 7th  Forum on the Arsenic Contamination of Groundwater in Asia, Miyazaki University, Japan, 12-14 October 2002 : 67-88.


Ahmed, M.F. (2002). Policy Development for Arsenic Mitigation in Bangladesh, Proc. International Workshop on Arsenic Contamination in Groundwater - Technical and Policy Dimensions United Nations University, Tokyo, Japan: 27


Ahmed, M. F. (2002) , Alternative Water Supply Option for Arsenic Affected Areas in Bangladesh, in: M. F. Ahmed and C. M. Ahmed (eds),  Arsenic Mitigation in Bangladesh, Ministry of Local Govt. Rural Development and Cooperatives,


Ahmed, M.F. and  Ashfaque, K.N. (2002) Sanitation and Solid Waste Management in Dhaka City During 1998 Flood. In: Ali, M. A., Seraj, S.M., and Ahmad, S. (Eds.) Engineering Concerns of Flood, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka, August.: 1-13


Tanabe, K., Yano, Y., Hiroki, M., Hamabe, K., Yabuuchi, K., Yokota, H., Hironaka, H., Tokunaga,H., Rahman,M.H., and Ahmed,M.F. (2001), Arsenic Pollution of Groundwater in Bangladesh – Characteristics of arsenic concentration and Mechanism of Elution to Groundwater in Samta, Journal Japan Society on Water Environment, Vol.24, No.6, : 367-375


Ahmed, M.F. (2001) An Overview of Arsenic Removal Technologies in Bangladesh and India. In:  Ahmed M. F., Ali, M.A. and Adeel,  Z. (eds.), Technologies for Arsenic Removal from Drinking Water, Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET) and United Nations University (UNU), May: 251-269.


Chowdhury. M.A.I., Ahmed M.F., Quadiruzzaman, M. and Mannaf, M.A. (2001) Experience in Improving Piped Water Supply to the 18 Medium Sized Towns of Bangladesh.  Journal Water SRT-Aqua, U. K. Vol. 50, No.5,: 287-299.


Alam, M.J.B, Rauf, A.F.M.A and Ahmed, M. F. (2001) Traffic Induced Noise Pollution in Dhaka City, Journal of Civil Engineering, The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, Vol.CE29, No.1: 55-63.


Ahmed, M. F. (2001), Water Supply. In: People’s Report on Bangladesh Environment 2001, Unnayan Shamannay and the University Press Limited :109-118.


Alam, M.J.B., Badruzzaman, A.B.M., Rahaman, M.H. and Ahmed, M.F. (2000) Level of Nox, Sox, CO and SPM Pollution in Dhaka City and Their Possible Consequences. In:  Ahmed, M. F. (ed) Bangladesh Environment 2000, Bangladesh Poribesh Andolon, December: 37-41.


Yokota. H., Tanabe, K., Sezaki, M., Kudo, S., Suenaga, K. Ahmed, M.F., Rahaman, H. NIPSOM, RGAG, AAN, (2000), Mechanism of Arsenic Pollution of Ground Water and Countermeasures of the Pollution in Bangladesh. Proc. Of the 8th Symposium on Global Environment : 51-56.


Ali, M.A. and Ahmed, M.F. (2000) Water Quality Problem in Coastal Areas of Bangladesh. Proc. International Symposium on Lowland Technology, Saga University, Japan 4-6 October: 371-378.


Alam, M.J.B, Hoque, M.M. and Ahmed, M.F. (2000) Traffic Induced Noise Pollution in Dhaka City. In:  Ahmed, M. F. (ed.), Bangladesh Environment 2000, Bangladesh Poribesh Andolon, December: 77-83.


Ahmed, M. F. (2000) Strategic Plan for Arsenic Mitigation in Bangladesh. In: M. F. Ahmed (ed.), Bangladesh Environment 2000, Bangladesh Poribesh Andolon, December: 164-170<


Ahmed. M.F. (2000) Groundwater Pollution from Solid Waste Landfills. Proc. International Conference on Geoenvironment 2000, Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Oman, 4-7 March, Vol.2: 546-560.


Ahmed. M.F. (2000) Soil Environment and Arsenic Contamination of Groundwater in Bangladesh. Proc. International Conference on Geoenvironment 2000, Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Oman, 4-7 March, Vol.1: 256-264.


Ahmed, M.F. (2000) Possible Solution to Water Supply Problems in Bangladesh. Proc. National Seminar on Water for 21st Century : Bangladesh Perspective, Dhaka, 22 March: 28-39.


Ahmed, M.F.(2000) Causes and  Occurrences of Arsenic Contamination of Groundwater in Bangladesh. Proc. International Workshop on Control of Arsenic in Groundwater, Calcutta, India, 5-6 January: 12.


Ahmed, M.F. and Ali, M.A. (2000) The role of Iron in Arsenic Contamination and Remediation. Proc. International Workshop on Control of Arsenic in Groundwater, Calcutta, India, 5-6 January: 24.


Ahmed, M.F. (1999) Alternative Water Supply in Arsenic Affected Rural Areas, National Seminar on Arsenic in Groundwater: Searching for Alternatives to Rural Water Supplies, Dhaka, 22 March.:38-43.


Ahmed, M. F. (1999) Rainwater Harvesting Potentials in Bangladesh. Proc. 25the WEDC Conference on Integrated Development for Water Supply and Sanitation, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 30 August-3 September: 24-26.


Ahmed. M. F. (1999) Local Perspective on the State of Environment and Experience in the Use of Indicators for Policy and Decision Making. Proc. National Workshop on Measuring Environmental Quality and Environmental Quality Indices, Dhaka, 15-16 February: 7.1-7.6


Chowdhury, M.A.I, and Ahmed M.F. (1999) Drinking Water Management in Sylhet, a leading Medium Sized  City of Bangladesh. Proc.  Water Asia, ’99, New Delhi, India, 17-19 January.


Badruzzaman, A. B. M., Ahmed, M. F., Hossain, M. D., Jalil, M. A., and Ali, M. A. (1998) “Arsenic Contamination in Groundwater in North-Eastern Bangladesh”, Journal of Civil Engineering, The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, 26(2), 129-140.


Chowdhury, M.A.I, Ahmed, M.F. and Gaffar, M. A. (1998) Water System Leak Detection in Secondary Towns of Bangladesh.  Proc. 11th IWSA-ASPAC Regional Conference on Integrating the Water Cycle, Sydney, Australia, 2-5 November: 213-219


Ahmed, M. F. (1998) Arsenic Removal from Tubewell Water. Proc. the 3rd Forum on Aresenic Contamination of Ground water in Asia, Miyazaki University, Japan, 22-23 November: 59-62.


Ahmed, M. F. and Ali, M. A. (1998) Arsenic Problem in the North-Eastern Region of Bangladesh. Proc. the 3rd Forum on Arsenic Contamination of Ground water in Asia, Miyazaki University, Japan, 22-23 November: 63-66


Chowdhury, M.A.I, Ahmed, M.F. and Gaffar, M. A. (1998) Water System Leak Detection in Secondary Towns of Bangladesh.  Proc. 11th IWSA-ASPAC Regional Conference on Integrating the Water Cycle, Sydney, Australia, 2-5 November: 213-219


Ahmed, M.F., Ali Ashraf and Hossain, D. (1998) Groundwater Treatment for Arsenic-Iron Removal. Proc. International Conference on Arsenic Pollution of Ground Water in Bangladesh: Causes, Effects and Remedies, 8-12 February:134.


Ahmed M. F. (1998) Water Supply Strategy in Arsenic Affected Rural Areas. Proc. Workshop on Measurement and Mitigation Strategies for Arsenic in Drinking Water at the Field Level, Dhaka, 30-31 March: 11-15.


Choudhury, M.A.I., Ahmed, M. F., Bhuyan, M. A. and Rahaman, M. H. (1997) Unaccounted-for Water Management Status in Bangladesh. Journal Water SRT-Aqua, Vol. 46, No.5: 235-241.


Ali. M.A. and Ahmed, M.F. (1997-98)  Sources of Arsenic in Groundwater of Bangladesh and Mechanism Its Mobilization in Sub-surface. Technical Journal, Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology: 44-52.


Ahmed, M. F. (1997) Oil Pollution and Its Control.  Proc. Seminar on  Training Needs, Environmental Issues and Occupational Health hazards in Bangladesh, Dhaka, 23 December: 30-36.


Ahmed, M. F. (1997)  Post-Training Evaluation : A Mechanism for Quality Control of Training programs. Proc. 9th ITN Africa Conference, University of Pretoria, South Africa, 1-4 December. 61


Ahmed, M. F.(1997) Waste Management and Environmental Pollution in Dhaka City, Proc. Seminar on Environmental Degradation of Dhaka City and Citizen’s Responsibility,  Dhaka, 6 July: 48-55.


Ahmed, M.F.(1997) Automobile emission and Air Pollution in Dhaka City, Proc. Workshop on Air Pollution and Acid Rain, Dhaka. 12 April:18-24.


Ahmed, M. F. (1996)  Urban Water Quality Management in Bangladesh.  Proc. National Seminar on Water Quality for Industrial, Domestic and Irrigation, Dhaka, 27-28 December: 1-7.


Ahmed, M. F. (1996) Coastal Water Supply in Bangladesh. Proc. 22nd WEDEC Conference on Reaching the Unreached-Challenges for the 21st Century, New Delhi, 9-13 September: 4-7.


Badruzzaman, A.B.M. and Ahmed, M. F. (1995) Construction  related Impact of Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge. Journal of Civil Engineering Division, The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, Vol. C.E. 23 No.1 , December: 1-17.


Ahmed, M.F. (1995) Waste, Pollution and Water Supply Atlas of Bangladesh. In: Hoq, M and Lechner, H (Eds.) Ecological Mapping : A Necessitry for Bangladesh, German Cultural Centre, Dhaka.


Ahmed, M. F. (1995) Hazardous Wastes: A Review of Treatment Options. In: Hay,J. (ed.) Management of Toxic Chemicals and Hazardous Wastes, Netlap Publication No. 12, United Nations Environment Program (UNEP),: 181-194.


Ahmed, M. F. (1993) Municipal Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh. In:L. Lechner,L. and Hoq, M. (Eds.), Aspects of  Solid Waste Management,(1994) Goethe-Institut, Dhaka: 113-131.


Ahmed, M. F. (1993) Solid Waste Management in Dhaka with Emphasis on Recycling. Proc. International Workshop on Waste Management for Sustainable Development, Hat Yai, Thailand, 4-7 May: 247-260.


Ahmed, M. F. (1993) Issues and Parameters in Environmental Studies of Water Resources. In: Sustainable Use of Water resources, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, Publication No.B1,June: 39-45.


Ahmed, M. F. (1993) Effect of Bio-Degradable Organic Pollutants on Aquatic Ecosystem of the River Buriganga.  In: Tilzer, M.M. and Khonker, M. ( Eds.), Hypertrophic and polluted Freshwater Ecosystem : Ecological Bases for Water Resources Management, November: 97-102.


Ahmed, M.F.(1993), Waste Pollution and Water Quality Atlas of Bangladesh, In: Environmental Mapping of Bangladesh,Goethe-Institut, Dhaka:27-41,


Ahmed, M. F. (1993) Environmental Assessment in the Infrastructure Sector. Proc. Seminar on Environmental Assessment Process, Dhaka 8-12 August: 6.1-6.17.


Ahmed, M. F. (1993) Environmental assessment in the Industrial Sector. Proc. Seminar on Environmental Assessment Process, Dhaka, 8-12 August: 7.1-7.15.


Ahmed, M. F. (1993) Sector Review : Industry. Environmental Management Trainers’ Manual, DanEduc and Pathmark Associates Ltd ( pub.), Department of Environment, Bangladesh.


Ahmed, M.F. (1993) Environmental Issues and Needs for EIA. Environmental Management Trainers’ Manual,  DanEduc and Pathmark Associates Ltd ( pub.) Department of Environment, Bangladesh: 13.1-13.21.


Ahmed, M.F. (1992) An Evaluation of Impact of Sea-level Rise in Bangladesh, Proc. IOC-UNEP Workshop on Impact of Sea-level Rise due to Global Warming for South-Asia Region, Dhaka, Banglades:1-8,


Ahmed, M.F. (1992) Technological Aspects of Solid Waste Management in Dhaka City, UNAPCTI National Seminar on Mechanism of Exchange of Technology (METI), Dhaka, 1-5 November:


Ahmed, M. F. (1992)  A Strategy for Drinking Water Supply in Coastal Area of Bangladesh. Proc. UNESCO Seminar on Coastal  Zone Management in Bangladesh, Dhaka, 27-31 December: 276-283.

135. Das, N.C., Ahmed, M. F. and Ahmed, F. (1991) Effect of Dissolved Oxygen on BOD Kinetics”, Journal Institution of Public Health, India, Vol.3: 33-37.


Rahman, M.H and Ahmed, M.F.  (1990). Tannery Waste Treatment, Journal of the Institution of Engineers, 18 (1): 7-13.

137. Ahmed, M. F. (1990) Influence of pH and Surface Charge on Dewaterability of Sewage Sludge. Environmental Protection Engineering, Poland,Vol.14, No. 3-4: 7-14.


Ahmed, M. F. “Potable Water Supply in Iron Problem  Areas of Bangladesh”, WHO Research Abstract, Vol.3, 1990 


Ahmed, M. F. (1988) Polluting Effects of Effluent Discharges from Dhaka City on the River Buriganga. In: Panswad, T. (Ed.), Pollution Control in Developing Countries, Pergamon Press ( Pub.), November:123-129.


Ahmed,M.F. (1988) Review of General Water Quality and Pollution Criteria and Their Application in Bangladesh. Proc. National Workshop on Water Quality Surveillance and Control in Small Community Water Supplies in Bangladesh, 28-31 March: 56-72.


Ahmed, M. F. (1987) Evaluation of Quality of Deep Tubewell Water for Irrigation and Public Water Supplies in Bangladesh. Proc. International Ground Water Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malayasia, 22-26 June: E12-E19.


Ahmed, M. F. (1987) Water Supply Problems in Coastal Saline Zones in Bangladesh. In Curie, K. ( Ed.) Environment ’87,  Proc. International Symposium on  Environmental Management, Istanbul, Turkey 5-9 June.


Ahmed, M.F. (1986). Modern Agriculture and Its Impact on Environmental Degradation, , Proc. SAARC Regional Seminar on Protecting the Environment from Degradation, Dhaka, Bangladesh :42-49.


Ahmed, M.F. (1986) Waste Management and Degradation of Water Quality in and Around Dhaka, Proc. SAARC Regional Seminar on Protecting the Environment from Degradation, Dhaka, Bangladesh.:176-182.

145. Chowdhury, N.I., Ahmed, M. F. and Choudhury, J. R. (1987) Use of Rain Water for Water Supply in the Coastal area of Bangladesh. Proc. International Conference on Rain Water Cistern System, Thailand, 14-17 January: C7-1 – C7-11.


Ahmed, M. F. (1986) Evaluation of Compressibility of Sewage Sludges in Relation to Dewatering by Filtration, Recycling International, Germany, Vol.2: 1049-1055.


Ahmed, M. F. (1986) Recycling of Solid Waste in Dhaka. In Thome-Kozmiensky K. J. ( Ed.), Waste Management in developing Countries, EF-Verlag fur Energie-und Umelttechnik GmbH ( Pub) November.


Ahmed, M. F. (1986) Tannery Waste: An Assessment of Polluting Loads and Response to Treatment. Proc. International Conference on Industrial pollution Control, Tirupati, India, 9-13 January; 111-115.


Ahmed, M.F.(1986), Nature-Human Interaction in Development Process, Proc.International Workshop on Project Management Approach for Environmental Protection, 26-28 Feb. Thailand: 184.


Ahmed, M. F. (1985) Modern Agriculture and Its Impact on Environmental Degradation. Proc. SAARC Seminar on Protecting the environment from degradation, Dhaka,  13-20 May,Reprint February, 1986, Ministry of Education, Govt. of Bangladesh: 42-49.


Ahmed, M. F. (1985)  Waste Management and Degradation of Water Quality in and around Dhaka City. Proc. SAARC Seminar on Protecting the Environment from Degradation, Dhaka, 13-20 May, Reprint February, 1986, Ministry of Education, Govt, of Bangladesh: 176-182.


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Ahmed, M. F. (1977) Polluting Effects of Tannery Waste at Hazaribagh and Its Control. Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, Vol.5 No. 1-4, January: 71-76.


Ahmed, M. F. (1976) Clarification of Buriganga River Water by Sedimentation with Alum Coagulation. Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, Vol. 3 No. 3-4, October: 6-18.


Ahmed, M. F. (1969) Modulus of Elasticity of Brick Aggregate Concrete. Technical Journal, University of Engineering and Technology: 69-75.



List of Authored and Edited Books and Proceedings


Ahmed, M.F. and Rahman, M.M.  Water Supply &  Sanitation : Rural and Low Income Urban Communities, ITN-Bangladesh Centre for Water Supply and Waste Management, BUET, June, 2000, ISBN 984-31-0936-8 :  444pages.


Ahmed, M.F.  and Jahan, H. (Editors), Participatory Management of Water Supply and Sanitation, ITN-Bangladesh Centre for Water Supply and Waste Management, BUET, October  2000: 143pages.


Ahmed, M.F. (Editor), Bangladesh Environment 2000, Bangladesh Poribesh Andolon, December 2000, ISBN  984-31-1082-X:  709pages.


Ahmed, M.F., Ali, M.A. and Adeel, Z (Editors), Technologies for Arsenic Removal from Drinking Water, Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET) and United Nations University (UNU), May, 2001, ISBN 984-31-1305-6: 277 pages.   ( Also available at  https://Archive.unu.edu/env/Arsenic/Proceedings.htm)


Ahmed, M.F. Alternative Water Supply Options for Arsenic Affected areas in Bangladesh, Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Cooperatives, Government of Bangladesh, January, 2002. 86pages.( https://wilsonweb.physics.harvard.edu/arsenic/conferences/Feroze_Ahmed.html )


Ahmed, M.F and  Ahmed, C.M.(Editors), Arsenic Mitigation in Bangladesh, Local Government Division, Ministry of LGRD and Co-operatives, Government of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh. September 2002. ISNB 984-32-0349-6: 189pages. https://itn.buet.ac.bd/publications/books/ )


Ahmed, M. F., Tanveer S. A. and Badruzzaman, A.B.M. (Editors), Bangladesh Environment 2002, Vol. 1 and Vol. 2, Bangladesh Poribesh Andolon, December 2002. ISBN 984-32-0443-3: 1170 pages .https://itn.buet.ac.bd/publications/books/ )


Ahmed, M.F., Ali, M.A. and Adeel, Z (Editors), Fate of Arsenic in the Environment, Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET) and United Nations University (UNU), February, 2003, ISBN 984-32-0507-3: 208 pages.  (https://Archive.unu.edu/env/ Arsenic/BUETSymposiumProc.htm ).


Ahmed, M. F. (editor). Arsenic Contamination : Bangladesh Perspective. ITN-ArchiveBangladesh Centre for Water Supply and Waste Management, BUET, June, 2003, ISBN 984-32-0350-X :  525pages . https://itn.buet.ac.bd/publications/books/


Ahmed M. F. and Rahman, M.M. Pani Sarbaraha  O Sanitation, (Bengali version of the book listed in 1), ITN Bangladesh Centre for Water Supply and sanitation, BUET, June 2003, ISBN 984-32-0898-6: 408 pages. https://itn.buet.ac.bd/publications/books/<


Ahmed, M.F., Shamsuddin, Sk.A.J. and Knox, R. (Editors),  Proceedings : South Asian Conference on Sanitation, Local Government Division, Ministry of LGRD and Cooperatives, Government of Bangladesh. June, 2004, ISBN 984-32-1500-1: Pages 307


Ahmed, M. F.,  Ahmad, Q. K. and  Khalequzzaman, Md. (Editors), Regional Cooperation on Transboundary Rivers: Impact of the Indian River-linking Project, BAPA, BEN, BEA, BUET, DU. December, 2004. ISBN 984-32-1864-


Ahmed, M.F., Howard, G., Deere, D., Mahmud, S.G. and Shamsuddin, S.A.J., Quantitative Health Risk Assessment for Arsenic and Microbial Contamination of Drinking Water, Arsenic Project Support Unit, Ministry of LGRD &C, Government of Bangladesh, February, 2006. ISBN 984-32-3148-1


Ahmed, M F., et al (Editors), Indigenous People and Bangladesh Environment, Papers and Proceedings of the first Conference on Indigenous People and Bangladesh Environment held in Dhaka during 17-18 December, 2007. Bangladesh Poribesh Andolon (BAPA) and Bangladesh Environment Network (BEN), December 2008:360 pages.


Bhattacharya, Depen, Ahmed, M.F. Islam, N., Matin, M.A. (Editors) Climate Change and the Tasks for Bangladesh, Proceedings of the Special Conference on Climate Change and Bangladesh Development Strategy: Domestic Policies and International Cooperation,   Bangladesh Paribesh Andolon (BAPA) and Bangladesh Environment Network (BEN), , ISBN: ISBN 978-984-33-0953-2,December, 2009: 300 pages.


Ahmed, M. F., Tanveer S. A. (Editors), Bangladesh Environment 2010, Bangladesh Poribesh Andolon, December and Bangladesh Environment Network,. ISBN  978-984-33-0954-9, December 2010: 886 pages.


Ahmed, M.F., Tanveer, S.A. and Ahmed, T. (Editors) Urbanization, Traffic Jam and Bangladesh Environment, Bangladesh Poribesh Andolon, and Bangladesh Environment Network,. ISBN:  978-984-33-5373-3, July, 2010: 418 pages.


Ahmed, M.F., Md. Khalequzzaman and Ahmed, T. (Editors) Water Resources in South Asia: Conflict to Cooperation, Bangladesh Poribesh Andolon, and Bangladesh Environment Network,. ISBN:  978-984-33-6234-6, December, 2013: 273 pages.


Ahmed, M. F., Muktadir, M.G. and Rahman, I,(Editors) Sanitation in South Asia. Proceedings of the 6th South Asian Conference on Sanitation (SACOSAN-IV). Local Government Division, Ministry of LG, RD and Cooperatives, Govt. of People’s Republic of Bangladesh, 11-13 January, 2016, 478 Pages.


Ahmed, M.F.,Rahman, M.S,and Muktadir, M.G.(Editors) Water Sustains Development. Proceedings of Dhaka Water Conference, 29-30 July 2017,208 Pages.


Ahmed, M.F. and Badruzzaman, A (Editors). Energy, Climate Change and Sustainable Development. BangladeshPoribeshAndolon (BAPA) and Bangladesh Environment Network (BEN).ISBN: 978-984-92153-6-3. December 2022. 598 Pages.




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