Academic Information
Stamford University follows semester system and in this system an academic year will be of 2 (two) semesters. The schedule of an academic year will be as follows
Trimester | Title of the trimester | Duration |
Trimester I | Spring | January - June |
Trimester II | Summer | July - December |
Note: Semester system is followed in the Department of Pharmacy
To obtain the degree of Stamford, a student must complete the minimum required credit hours of his/her respective program, which is preset and declared for each program. Although the passing grade point in a course of every program with major/concentration as per Stamford grading system is 2.0 on the scale of 4.0, a student must acquire a minimum CGPA of “2.50” or higher CGPA to obtain the degree of Stamford University. Students must complete the thesis requirement and a mandatory orientation course in 3 parts with a minimum grade of 3.0 in each individual 3 parts to achieve academic and total excellence in the program and to “Bring Out The Best in a Student” Orientation course is a pre requisite to get Stamford degree in all programs.
The purpose of orientation and assembly is to foster a sense of community that is open, just, nurturing, caring, celebrative and supportive of excellence in teaching and learning. Orientation programs are also designed to enhance the intellectual, cultural, social and spiritual experiences of members of the Stamford family. In addition, orientation program also focuses on issues pertaining to leadership development, quality of life and social responsibility. This program will also inform students about the rules and regulations of Stamford, duties and rights of students during their program in daily academic and related affairs. This course provides entering freshmen with a background of the non-academic aspects of the institution: the history, purpose, organization, policies and procedures of the university. The student is introduced to academic survival skills, library skills, leadership development, study skills, critical thinking, career planning, personal and social development and other relevant areas necessary for a successful university experience. Students have to strictly follow all the rules and regulations of the university without any deviation, as it is under supervision of the university authority in hourly, daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis during the total program period. The management team will grade the set factors on a pre-set numerical grading system confidentially to assess the individual GPA of 0.5 credit hours assigned for this course. A student must achieve grade point 3.0 to pass and that is a prerequisite of getting a Stamford degree in any program. This course is required for all freshmen. Students need to register the course in the first trimester.
This is a continuation of Freshmen Orientation and in addition, this course introduces freshmen to various learning styles, career planning, health-related issues and personal and social development.
Follow-up of Freshmen Orientation throughout the program period:
To receive the course plan from every course teacher before or in the 1st class of the trimester and follow it in the classes.
All kinds of activities of every student will be supervised by the concerned authority during his/her academic period. On the basis of this supervision report, he/she will be awarded grade for Continuing Orientation.
If student(s) are disturbed by any class fellow or by any other person, the matter should be immediately brought in a written form to Registrar Office with a copy to the Executive in charge of the Office of the Vice Chancellor.
If the course teacher deprives students in classroom (s) or in student counseling session as per the course plan, the matter should immediately be reported to the Head of the Department in a written form with a copy to Registrar Office and the Executive in charge of the Office of the Vice Chancellor.
The management team will grade the set factors on a preset numerical grading system confidentially to assess the individual GPA of 2 credit hours assigned for this course. A student must achieve grade point 3.0 on a scale of 4.0 to pass and that is a prerequisite of getting a Stamford degree in any program.
This course is mandatory for all students of Stamford. Students need to register the course in the first trimester.
To prepare students for practical job operation.
To train them up (students) by internship, on the job training in the campus or outside the campus as far as possible.
Preparing students to face interview before a mock interview board by inviting reputed employers of our country and get the performance report evaluated for the students by those employers with recommendations and suggestions to improve students in general & in particular.
To find out students’ main drawbacks and limitations to get the right job as the students deserve, on the basis of his/her qualifications and achievements during the program at Stamford University.
To teach and make them learn how to write a good curriculum vitae Properly dress up for an interview.
To train them up (students) to answer question to the point, without any irrelevant explanation or exaggeration in reply to a question. But in real need & situation, standard explanation should be given.
This course consists of 1.5 credit hours. A student must achieve grade point 3.0 on a scale of 4.0 to pass and that is a prerequisite of getting a Stamford degree in any program.
This course is mandatory for all students of Stamford. Students need to register the course in the final trimester.
Note: Students who are at job will be exempted from the Professional Orientation course.
Students are required to complete their registration formalities for enrollment in the coming trimester. Without registration no student will be allowed to attend the classes and it will be considered that the student is absent from the trimester. Every student must register in-person.
All students in the undergraduate and master programs will receive advisement prior to registration for each trimester. The department will declare courses for different batches and programs before registration and advise students for their convenience. It is the responsibility of each student to comply with degree requirements and general regulations of registration.
The university mainly offers courses considering the ability of students and the duration of respective programs. If a student wants to take any course/courses beyond offered courses by the office for him/her, he/she is to give the evidence of the ability to complete such extra course/courses. Again if any student wants to take fewer courses from the offered courses, he/she is to apply to the Registrar’s office/Department for mentioning the cause of his/her inability.
If any course has prerequisite course(s), every student has to complete that course(s) before taking the main course. Without the completion of the prerequisite course(s), students will not be allowed to take the main course in any way.
Registration form will be given from the Accounts Office on payment of required course fees
Registration form duly filled in must be submitted at the office with the payment receipt as a proof that 100% of the registered course fee incurred by registration has already been paid to the university.
No registration form will be received without payment receipt.
No registration will be completed until previous dues are cleared.
Registration must be completed within the specified date.
In extreme cases late registration may be allowed up to 7 days from the last date of registration with a late fee of Tk.1000/- only.
To add course(s) to registration a student must submit a subsidiary registration within 7 days of the start of class(s).
Students will be allowed to withdraw any of their registered course(s) without fee within 7 days of commencement of trimester/semester.
Students may be allowed to withdraw regular/retake course(s) for valid reasons with withdrawal fee of Tk.1000/- per credit hours with maximum of Tk. 1,000/- per course by the 3rd week of the commencenment of the trimester/semester. After the 3rd week, no student will be allowed to withdraw any of the registered courses(s). Courses once registered for incomplete/ improvement cannot be withdrawn.
Minimum two courses have to be registered in a trimester.
To take a double major in a program a student has to complete the first major and apply to the Registrar for the second major.
Students will not be allowed to change their sections as decided by the authority. Exception may be made only in case of spouses and siblings.
In the modern world, proficiency in English is essential. So every student of Stamford must have proficiency in English. Stamford offers several English courses for its students to acquire a sound working and technical knowledge of English and thus enable them to prepare themselves competent for national and international job markets.
Students, who will not be able to score above 50% marks in the English section of Admission Test, must take a foundation course on English. It is a mandatory course for those students and 3 credit hours will be awarded for this course. In addition, following English courses will have to be taken by all students of undergrad programs to enhance
Pubilc Speaking
Advanced Reading Strategy & Writing/Technical English
Stamford University Bangladesh wants all students to be computer literate. With this view 3 credit hours cours course called Fundamental of Computer Science is designed to develop the computer knowledge of the students. All students other than the students of CSE program will have to take this course.
Students of Stamford University Bangladeh are given an opportunity to enhance their knowledge on Bangldesh: its History, Geography, Economic Development- and the system of governance. This is a compulsory course for all students. Such a course also prepare the students of Stamford University for competive Exam like BCS.