English department being one of the largest departments of Stamford University Bangladesh is contributing significantly to the higher education sector. A large number of students study English literature and language in its undergraduate program (a four-year Bachelor degree) and postgraduate program (a one & half year Master’s degree). The department is reputed for being the field of multi-dimensional activities in creating future leaders with critical thinking and analytical abilities. Currently the department has got thirty full-time faculty members who are highly-qualified and excellent in their own specialized fields of knowledge. Among the faculty members, the department owns three associate professors, twenty assistant professors, six senior lecturers and one lecturer. With the assistance of outstanding faculty members, the department mainly focuses on two streams, English Literature and Language. In addition to the courses on literature and language, the Department offers courses related to Bangla Literature and Culture, Business Studies and Journalism. English Department also offers English language courses to the students of 13 other departments. Besides the continuous educational activities, the department arranges seminars and conferences time to time for its academic opulence. As a vibrant department, it has a peer-reviewed journal titled, Stamford Journal of English, which inspires and reflects the intense research for the excavation of new arena in world literature and languages. With the department’s literary expedition, it organizes various extra-curricular activities for the elevation of versatile faculties of the students of the department. English department leads several clubs such cultural club, drama club, sports club, debate club, anti-drug club, blood donating club etc. The students (club members) organise the programs under the guidance of the faculty members of the department to construct the personality and develop professionalism and social awareness. The participation of the English Department students is noticeably significant in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. English Department is known for its discipline and congenial academic environment. It has air-conditioned class rooms with multi-media and internet facilities. The extensive Wi-Fi network has enabled the students and teachers to have access to the magnificent storage of world knowledge and information links. This helps our students and teachers keep themselves up-to-date. While the department puts some efforts to enhance research potential of its students through conducting research projects both at undergraduate and graduate levels, the students are facilitated with two libraries with a rich collection of books/resources, purposefully located on both the campuses of the university -- Dhanmondi and Siddheswari . Both libraries are equipped with textbooks, reference books and journals. English Department of Stamford University Bangladesh is very keen to fulfill its academic and social purposes of developing intellectual capability and human values among the students. It is committed to the accomplishment of its obligation to the society and to the nation through preparing students with adequate knowledge base, proper sense of responsibility, and morality.
The Department of Economics at the Stamford University Bangladesh has completed a decade long journey successfully since its establishment in 2005 under the supervision and leadership of its founder Chairman, Prof. Dr. ATM Zahurul Huq. Initially, the department started Bachelor program (four years) with few students aiming at a quality education in Economics. Masters’ degree in Economics has been introduced after a couple of years to meet the increased demand of the students. At present, nearly 100 students are studying in the department. Five full-time faculties, as well as some experienced teachers from reputed universities, are engaged as part-time teachers in the department. The department has been flourishing with experienced and quality teachers both for teaching and research
The Department of Film and Media was established on 20th February 2004. Renowned film director and cinematographer "Abdus Samad" was the founder chairman of the department. This dept. is pioneer in Bangladesh that offers Film and Media education in university level. The best academician and professionals of Film and Media sector are working with this department as the key resources. Our graduates are already working in different television channels, media houses, film production and with different Universities. Background of the Department: Since the origin as a creative expression and mass communication, film and television have been playing a vital role in the sphere of social engineering with the unique ability of molding human psyche to the needs of the society. Much greater importance is now being attached to these audio-visual mediums as they can be used most effectively in awareness-building issues and programs. In the recent years, interest in the studies of film and television has immensely increased all over the world. As a result, these two mediums have emerged as major academic subjects under the umbrella of a wider discipline Media studies. Waking up to the call of time, Stamford University Bangladesh has launched the Department of Film & Media in the year 2004. In this Department, theoretical and practical aspects of both these audio-visual mediums are taught extensively at graduation and post-graduation levels. This department is now offering courses under two programs: B. A (Hons) in Film & Media and M. A. in Film. No other university of the country, either public or private had the vision of making such a pragmatic move before Stamford made it. The curriculum of B. A. (Hons) and M. A. programs of these disciplines have been designed to groom as competent practitioners in various fields of constantly expanding worlds of film & television. Equipped with adequate theoretical and practical knowledge, imparted through well-designed course, students of this Department will be able to build their career as directors, producers, screen writers, actors art designers, editors, sound records, video graphics, or as technicians of many other related fields according to their aptitude and interest. Gifted with an asset of vast methodical knowledge one may even opt for pursuing a career as an academic or as a professional critic. Most of the jobs available in the media sphere, which include the vast world of film & television, call for efficient application of theoretical knowledge into practice. With this observation, Department of Film & Media is doing its best to provide first hand practical experience to students. To give boost to the creative excitement of the media practitioners, practical classes on a number of subjects are held on a regular basis. The department’s own studio built at the Siddeswari Campus. Occasionally students are taken out for guided tour to FDC complex and different private TV channels. Preparation is underway to create such facilities in the near future
The department of Journalism & Media Studies at Stamford University Started as an academic enterprise in the Summer of 2005 to meet the demands of present-day journalism and media education in the country. It is a pioneer in private sector journalism education in this country and truly means a great deal to those students who enroll here to build their career and character and personality. The department has made its mark as a respectable center of journalism and media education. More than a thousand students have completed their Honors and Masters Program from here amd the graduates are working successfully in International Media such as BBC, AP (Associated press) and the leading National Print, Electronic & Online Media with reputation. Some have made their career in Government & Development organizations. Our program is rigorous and compelling for those who want to pursue a BSS Honors and Master’s degrees in Journalism. These programs examine major topics in journalism and the media, advertising, public relations, including the changing landscape of traditional and new forms of media. The department has opened lot of opportunities for its graduates. Students who complete graduation from this department can start their carrier as reporter, Sub-Editor/ Newsroom editor, Presenter, News Producer, Photo Journalist, video editor, Ad Maker, Media Researcher, Communication Officer, Public Relations Officer, NGO executives, etc. Besides, journalism graduates can explore their career as Government employee participating at the BCS and other competitive exams.
Department of Public Administration has been established in 2015which is one of the leading departments in Stamford University Bangladesh with remarkable academic research and administrative excellence. Although Public Administration is the latest department under the faculty of Social Sciences in Stamford University Bangladesh, but this department is strongly committed to ensure academic excellence in order to create successful and productive human resources for Bangladesh. The dynamic leadership of its academic advisor Professor Aka Firowz Ahmad and the efforts of other faculty members has enormously helped the department to attain the present stage. Since its establishment, the department has been conducting undergraduate and postgraduate academic programs and offering BPA (Bachelor of Public Administration) and MPA (Master of Public Administration) degree. The objective of the program is to produce high-level human resources in order to serve public affairs management of the government, non-government, public enterprises, NGOs and private sectors. The program focuses on areas of specialization such as Development Administration, Human Resource Development, Public Finance and Law &Order Administration. After successful completion of the program, a student will be able to function as an Administrator/Manager in government, non-government, public enterprises and private sectors. The four years BSS and one year MSS programs of the department have strong theoretical and quantitative orientation. We prepare the students to work in Government, private and public sector organizations, multinational companies, research and development sectors, nongovernmental organization (NGO) & nonprofit sectors. All students are required to take the core courses like Introduction to Public Administration, E-Governance and Digital Administration, Local Government, Public Management, Personnel and Human Resources Management, Financial Administration, Comparative Public Administration, Sociology of Administration, Organizational Behavior, Development Administration, Public Enterprise, Rural Development etc. Beside these, there are several applied courses such as Applied Research in Administration, Computer Application, Project Management, Administrative Systems Analysis and Public Policy Analysis. The department of Public Administration is a co-organizer of an international research conference organized by the Netinsearch International, Center for Administrative Research and Innovation (CARI) of University of Dhaka, GAIN International, Australia and Asian Conference on Population and Development (ACPD), China which is hosted by the Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development (BARD).