Pharmacy is the science and practice of discovering, producing, preparing, dispensing, and reviewing medications, aiming to ensure the safe, effective, and affordable use of medicines. Pharmacists are playing vital role in hospitals and clinics for preparing and dispensing medications, communicating with other health care professional, educating patients about medications. In order to become a Pharmacist one must complete their Undergraduate degree in Pharmacy courses. In Bangladesh Pharmacy Graduates are employed by a large number of Universities, Pharmaceutical industries, Governmental agencies, Research institutions and biotech companies.
Considering this importance of the Pharmaceutical Scientists in the academic and research institutions and as well as in pharmaceutical industries, hospitals and clinics and other related institutions, Stamford University Bangladesh has introduced the Department of Pharmacy in September 9, 2004 (with UGC approval).
Objectives of the Program Offering Entity:
Department of Pharmacy conducts programs aims to provide quality and up to date knowledge to students to be an ideal health professional. Aim to enable students to develop competencies for working in a multi-disciplinary group (e.g. pharmaceutical technology, pharmacology, clinical pharmacy, medicinal chemistry, hospital and community pharmacy, regulatory affairs, etc.) as a team member through proper communication and independent critical reasoning skills. This program Ensures student centered learning environment for inter-active and effective learning. It is committed to conduct programs with the complete awareness of its social and financial responsibilities and valuing people in all aspects of life and respect student-teacher relationship.
Resources of the Department:
The department brought academic excellence offering education in Pharmacy around the nation making innovative changes in academics, students, logistics and potential teaching staff. Currently 13 qualified full time faculty members are working here. We also invite part time faculty from University of Dhaka and from different research organizations to conduct several specialized course of B. Pharm. (Hons.) and M.Pharm programs. The Department has now its own laboratory set up for regular practical classes. We also have a library. A team of faculty has been arranged for research works and journal publications. Students get the opportunity to work in the laboratory for research purpose under supervision.
Description of the Program (B.Pharm and M.Pharm):
Bachelor of Science (Honors.) in Pharmacy is a four-year Bachelors program with honors comprising of 165 credits (168 credits when students need to complete Fundamentals of English). It is a level 7- Bachelor’s course as classified by Bangladesh National Qualification Framework (BNQF). There will be two semesters in each academic year and a student is expected to complete minimum 140 credits in eight semesters in four-year time according to the BNQF guidelines. According to Pharmacy Council of Page 9 Bangladesh (PCB), It shall not be less than 156 credits and shall not exceed 170 credits for Bachelor of Pharmacy.
Master of Pharmacy (M.Pharm.) is a one-year post graduate program comprising of 40 credits. It is a level -9 post graduate course as classified by Bangladesh National Qualification Framework (BNQF). There will be two semesters in one academic year and a student is expected to complete minimum 40 credits according to the BNQF guidelines.
Welcome to the Department of Microbiology, Stamford University Bangladesh. It’s started its journey in 2004 founded by the honorable Ex-Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. M. Majibur Rahman. Microbiology is the study of the biology of microscopic organisms - viruses, bacteria, algae, fungi, slime molds, and protozoa. The program also includes a wide range of techniques of genetics, chemistry, biochemistry, physiology, ecology, and pathology to study the biology of microorganisms from gene expression at the molecular level to the composition of populations of microorganisms. Exciting discoveries involving microorganisms have important and far reaching implications for biotechnology, molecular biology, medicine, public health and the environment. At present, studying microbiology offers bright prospect worldwide. The department brought academic excellence offering education in microbiology around the nation making innovative changes in academics, students, logistics and potential teaching staff. Currently 10 qualified full time faculty members are working here. We also invite part time faculty from University of Dhaka and from different research organizations to conduct several specialized course of B. Sc. (Hons.) and MS programs. The students get to learn here in an interactive manner with the study materials that are updated with time. The Department strictly follow the vision of excellence of Stamford University Bangladesh: “Moving teaching excellence from good to great”, which can be achieved through disseminating the teaching philosophy, plan and proper guides. Gaining the insight of academics, teaching ethics and attitude is also necessary to bring out the best within the students and make them globally competent. Department of Microbiology offers a 4 year B. Sc. (Hons.) degree consists of a total of 146 credits. The program aims to give the basic and detailed knowledge and understanding of important aspects of microbiology as currently applied in industry, food, health and medical sciences, in the environmental management, in biotechnology as well as in basic and primary research. Department of Microbiology also offers a full-time one year MS degree in Microbiology. A 4-year B. Sc. (Hons.) degree in Microbiology or an equivalent degree will be required as an entry qualification for students intending to study for MS degree. Stamford University Bangladesh has been providing students with well-furnished & air-conditioned classrooms for which are specious enough for students and equipped with multimedia. The Department has two laboratories designated as Microbiology Laboratory-I and -II (MS Laboratory). Both the laboratories are equipped with adequate necessary machineries equipment and well-furnished to conduct laboratory classes and carry out basic microbiological researches. Various research have been conducted by the B. Sc. (Hons.) final year students and the MS students under the supervision of the experienced faculty members. Major research fields include: (1) food and pharmaceutical microbiology, (2) stress responses in bacteria and yeasts, (3) environmental microbiology, (4) microbial drug resistance, (5) clinical microbiology, etc.The Department arranges workshop and seminar for existing teachers as well as students and for organizational development at a regular interval to upgrade them with new thinking phenomena and share their perspectives regarding particular projects.
The Department of Environmental Science (DoES), Stamford University Bangladesh (SUB) was established with the vision to enhance the quality of teaching and research activities for sustainable development and environmental conservation. This Department offers both Bachelorof Science (B.Sc.) four (04) years and Master of Science (M.Sc.) programs in Environmental Science. The programs are designed to study contemporary environmental issues focusing on different dimensions affecting man and its habitat. The major courses encompass Fundamentals of Environmental Science, Earth Science, Ecology, Cartography, Climatology, Forestry and Agriculture Management, Environmental Chemistry, Physical Environment, Geography and Environment, Basic Statistics, Environmental Planning and Management, Biodiversity and Conservation, Fluvial Geomorphology, Environmental Health, Gender, Environment and Development, Research Project, Environmental Microbiology, Environmental Issues, Climate Change, Global Warming, Natural Hazards and Disaster Management,Geographic Information System (GIS), Remote Sensing, Environmental Planning and Monitoring, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Environmental Laws and Policies, Environmental Economics, Environmental Chemistry, Ecology and Biodiversity, Hydrogeology and Water Resource Management, Pollution and Waste Management, Research Technique etc. TheDepartment was awarded UGC HEQEP Sub-Project financed by World Bank for capacity buildingbased on Intended Learning Outcomes. The Department has successfully completed its Self-Assessment with obtaining 87.3% marks by External Peer Reviewer (EPR) and has taken initiatives for overall quality improvement according to the recommendations by EPR. The currentcurriculum opens exciting prospects into a wide range of careers so that graduates can enter into the work-force immediately or pursue higher education at higher levels to further explore their interests. A number of environment-oriented career paths are becoming increasingly prevalent today and include, but are not limited to, sustainability, renewable energy, conservation, agriculture, urban planning and development, natural resource management and education. The potential job opportunities are observed at renowned national organizations and institutions,such as DoE, BMD, BAE, CEGIS, BWDB, SPARRSO, LGED, BBS, BAPEX, RAJUK, PWBD, PDB, WASA, City Corporations, different consultancy firms etc. as well as international organizations e.g., UNEP, UNICEF, UNHRC,IOM, FAO, IUCN, DANIDA, SDC, KOICA, USAID, UKAID, etc.