Emeritus Professor
Professor Dr. M. Feroze Ahmed is an Educator, a Professional Civil Engineer with specialization in Environmental Engineering and a Scientist of high reputation at home and abroad. Presently he is working as Emeritus Professor at Stamford University Bangladesh.
He graduated in Civil Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka in 1968 and earned his MSc in Civil Engineering degree with specialization in Environmental Engineering and PhD degree from University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK.
He joined as a Lecturer in Civil Engineering at BUET in 1969 and then he was promoted to the positions of Assistant Professor in 1974, Associate Professor in 1977 and Professor in 1986. He was Head of Civil Engineering Department and Dean of Civil Engineering Faculty at Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka. He also worked as Director, Planning and Development, Project Manager, BUET-University of Alberta (Canada) linkage Project and Director, International Training Network (ITN) Centre for Water Supply and Waste Management at BUET as additional responsibility. He also worked as a Visiting Professor at Strathclyde University, Glasgow, UK. He was a Member, Vice-Chairman and Chairman, Dhaka WASA Board. He retired from BUET in 2011 and joined the Stamford University Bangladesh in 2012 as Dean of Engineering Faculty. He was appointed Vice-Chancellor of Stamford University Bangladesh in 2013 and worked for one term of 4 years before joining as Emeritus Professor in 2017.
As a professional engineer he worked as a consultant/advisor to around 20 projects of national importance including largest infrastructure development projects in the country. He is one of the pioneers of design and construction of high-rise building in the country. He worked as a member of the International Panel of Expert for the Design and Construction of Bangabandhu Bridge on the river Jamuna and presently working as a Member, Panel of Expert for the design and construction of - Padma Multipurpose Bridge. He contributed towards preparation of National Environmental Quality Standards (EQS), Bangladesh Building Code, Coastal Environmental Management Plan, Multipurpose Cyclone Shelter Program and Arsenic Mitigation Policy and Implementation Plan for Bangladesh.
He coordinated collaborating research on arsenic contamination of groundwater with Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT, USA), University of Cincinnati (UC, USA), Columbia University (USA), United Nations University (UNU), Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science & Technology (EAWAG) and University of Miyazaki (Japan). Research work in collaboration with MIT resulted in a breakthrough in the understanding the mechanism of arsenic contamination of groundwater and joint works with international scientist helped to develop a policy direction to ensure arsenic-safe water in arsenic affected areas. He has over 160 high quality publications having over 7,500 of citations of his works in scholarly literature. He authored and edited 20 books held in 154 libraries worldwide. He contributed few chapters in books published by globally reputed publishers and organizations.
Professor Ahmed delivered invited/keynote lectures to disseminate knowledge and outcomes of research at around 92 regional/international events and universities in 28 countries and over 79 national events in the field of engineering and technology. As a member of high-level Bangladesh delegation, he spoke at a United Nations side event on “innovative approaches to sanitation and learning from Bangladesh” at UN Secretariat in NY, USA in 2018. Some of his note able lectures at international events are those presented at Seoul National University (2018), Republic of Korea; Tabriz University (2016), University of Tehran (2016), I.R. Iran; AIT, Bangkok (2008), Thailand; Denmark Technical University, Copenhagen (2006), Denmark; United Nations University, Tokyo ( 2002), Miyazaki University (2002) Japan, Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat (2000), Oman; University of Pretoria (1997), South Africa; Dhaka International Water Conference (2017), Association of Academies and Societies of Sciences in Asia (2018), Bangladesh; Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberia Branch (2009), Russian Federation; Royal Scientific Society, Amman (2006), Jordan; Conferences on arsenic contamination, in India (2012), Nepal(2006), Cambodia (2006), Japan(2004), China(2004)., Pakistan(2003), USA (2002), and Australia(2001); Water Engineering in Developing Country (WEDC) Conferences in Lao PDR(2004), India (2002, 1996) and Ethiopia (1999); South–Asian Conferences on Sanitation in Bangladesh (2016, 2003), Pakistan (2006),India(2008),Sri Lanka(2010) and Nepal(2013). International Association of Hydrogeologists Congress, Toyama (2008), Japan; 62nd Geological Congress, Ankara (2009),Turkey; WHO Expert Consultation on Water Safety Plan, Geneva ( 2006), Switzerland; Singapore Water Week (2008), Singapore; World Bank Water Week, Washington D.C. (2004) USA; International Centre for Science and High Technology-UNIDO Expert Meeting, Trieste (2007), Italy; Conference on Water Safety in Small Water Supplies, Reykjavik(2005), Iceland;International Ground Water Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (1997); International Recycling Congress , Berlin (1986) Germany.
Professor Ahmed has significant contribution to building academic and research institutions in the country. He established the best Environmental Engineering Education and Research Facilities in the country and founded International Training Network (ITN) Centre for Water Supply and Waste Management at BUET. He contributed towards establishment of Petroleum Engineering Department, Centre for Continuing Education, and Centre for Environment and Resource Management at BUET as Project Manager of the BUET- UA (University of Alberta) Linkage Project under which these department and Centres were established. Prof. Ahmed contributed towards establishment of Military Institute of Technology (MIST) as a Member of the Committee constituted by the Hon’able Prime Minister, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh for establishment of this institute. He designed Civil and Environmental Engineering Programs of Islamic University of Technology (IUT), Shajalal University of Science and Technology (SUST) and North-South University (NSU). He enhanced the academic standard of Civil Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Computer Science and Engineering programs of Stamford University Bangladesh and earned professional recognition through accreditation of the Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh. Professional recognition of Architecture Program of Stamford University Bangladesh was also achieved through accreditation of the Institute of Architecture Bangladesh. He established Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) to further enhance quality of education at Stamford University Bangladesh.
Professor Ahmed received BUET (Dr. Rashid Memorial)Gold Medal, 1998 in recognition of excellence in teaching and research, Institution of Engineers Bangladesh (IEB) Gold Medal, 2004 for contribution to nation and engineering profession and Bangladesh Academy of Science (Dr. M. O. Ghani Memorial) Gold Medal, 2007 for contribution to advancement of science and technology. He was the first BUET Coordinator of BUET-MIT research Group, which received the Prince Sultan Bin Abdul Aziz Prize for Water for solving the puzzle of Arsenic Contamination of Groundwater. He received Asia Education Leadership Award for exceptional leadership quality and achievements. As a leading scientist in the field of arsenic research, American Chemical Society (ACS) published his works and views on arsenic contamination under the element Arsenic in a ‘Periodic Table’. American Chemical Society published this ‘Periodic Table’ on the occasion of 80th anniversary of the Society citing the works of a world renowned contemporary scientist under each element of the Periodic Table.