A. Invited/Keynote Lectures at Regional/International Events
2022 |
Renewable Energy from Municipal Solid Waste in Bangladesh. A Plenary Presentation at BAPA-BEN International Conference on Energy, Climate Change and Sustainable Development. |
2021 |
Rainwater Harvesting as an Alternative Water source in Salinity and Arsenic Affected Areas of Bangladesh. A keynote Lecture at International Conference on Looming Water Crisis and Climate Change in South Asia: Rainwater Harvesting as an Adaptation Strategy |
2021 |
Plastic Pollution: Causes, Effects and Solutions, Theme Lecture at International Webinar by Bangladesh Academy of Sciences (BAS) and Association of Academies and Societies of Sciences in Asia (AASSA). |
2021 |
Adaptation to Fourth Industrial Revolution for Sustainable Development in Bangladesh. A Keynote Presentation at International Conference on Sustainable Development in Technology for 4th Industrial Revolution. Porty City International University, Chittagong. |
2020 |
Padma Multipurpose Bridge: A Dream is Becoming True. IABSE-JSCE International Conference on Advancement of Bridge Engineering IV, Dhaka, Bangladesh. |
2019 |
Engineering Challenges of Building Bridge on the River Padma, 5th International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education , Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet (SUST), Bangladesh. |
2018 |
Overview and Analysis of WASH Linkage with Nutrition Outcome in Bangladesh. WHO, UNICEF and World Bank Technical Symposium on Nutrition-Sensitive Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), BICC, Dhaka, Bangladesh |
2018 |
Integration of Science, Technology and Innovation, Association of Academies and Societies of Sciences in Asia (AASSA) Workshop on Promotion of Excellence in Science Education and Research, Dhaka, Bangladesh. |
2018 |
Analyzing Overall Development on Sanitation in Bangladesh, UN Side Event on Participatory Approaches to Sanitation: Learning from Bangladesh, UN Secretariat in New York, USA. |
2018 |
Overcoming Regulatory Barrier of Rainwater for Drinking, International workshop on Rainwater for Drinking (RFD): Overcoming the Barriers, Seoul National University, Republic of Korea. |
2017 |
Water for Sustainable Development, Dhaka International Water Conference, Prime Minister’s Office, Government of People’s Republic of Bangladesh. |
2017 |
Management of Water-related Ecosystem in Bangladesh, Regional Workshop on Ecosystem Management for Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar (BCIM) Economic Corridor, Beijing, China. |
2016 |
Building The Padma Multipurpose Bridge, 3rd International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering, Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology (CUET) , Bangladesh. |
2016 |
Arsenic Contamination of Groundwater: Occurrence, Health Effects and Mitigation,International Summit on water, Sustainable Development and Healthy Life, University of Tehran, I.R. Iran. |
2016 |
Education for Sustainable Development, Seminar on the occasion of Asia’s Education Excellence Award Ceremony, Pan Pacific Marina Hotel, Singapore |
2016 |
Sustainable Use of Water Resources, International Conference on Water Resources Management, Tabriz University, East Azerbaijan. I.R.Iran |
2016 |
Sanitation in South Asian Countries : Revisiting MDG for Moving Towards SDG , 6TH South Asian Conference on Sanitation, Dhaka, Bangladesh. |
2016 |
History and Development of Civil Engineering, 1st International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development .KUET, Khulna, Bangladesh. |
2015 |
The Way Forward to Achieve SDG for Sanitation, Inter-country Working Group Meeting of South-Asian Countries on Sanitation. Pan-Pacific Sonargoan Hotel, Dhaka, Bangladesh. |
2015 |
Industries and Environmental Pollution, BAPA-BEN International Conference on Environment Policies and Acts’ Implementation Problems , Dhaka, Bangladesh. |
2014 |
Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development, 2nd International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development, Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET),Khulna, Bangladesh. |
2013 |
Bangladesh’s Approach to Close the Sanitation Gap, Session Leader’s Presentation at 5th South Asian Conference on Sanitation (SACOSAN-V), Nepal. |
2012 |
Zero Discharge ETP for Textile Dyeing Industry: An Advanced Option for Environmental Sustainability, 2nd International Conference on Environmental Technology and Construction Engineering, SUST, Sylhet, Bangladesh. |
2012 |
Global Scenario on Water Quality with Special Reference to Arsenic,International Conference on Water Quality with Special Reference to Arsenic, Kolkata, India. |
2011 |
Environmental Technology for Sustainable Development, International Conference on Environmental Technology and Construction Engineering for Sustainable Development, SUST, Sylhet, Bnagladesh. |
2010 |
Water Quality Strategy and Rolling Revision of WHO Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality, WHO Expert Consultation in Tokyo, Japan. |
2010 |
Arsenic Contamination of Groundwater and Mitigation Challenges, International Symposium on Environmental Degradation and Sustainable Development, Dhaka, Bangladesh |
2010 |
Impact of Climate Change on Sanitation and Health. 4th South Asian Conference on Sanitation (SACOSAN-IV), Colombo, Sri Lanka. |
2009 |
Environmental Impacts of Sea-level Rise on the Coastal Areas of Bangladesh.BAPA-BEN International Conference on Climate Change and Task for Bangladesh, Dhaka. Bangladesh. |
2009 |
Problem and Prospect of Water Supply in Bangladesh, Russian Academy of Science, Siberia Branch, Siberia, Russia Federation. |
2009 |
Water Related Disasters in Bangladesh, Side-event on Water-related Disasters in Asia, 5th World Water Forum, Istanbul, Turkey. |
2009 |
Arsenic Contamination of Groundwater and Its Effect on Health. 62nd Geological Congress of Turkey, Ankara, Turkey. |
2009 |
Presentation at Geological Congress of Turkey Science and Technology for Sustainable Development, First Symposium of the Japan Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS) and Bangladesh JSPS Alumni Association, Jahangir Nagar University, Bangladesh. |
2009 |
Water Supply and Sanitation in Integrated Water Resources Management, BUET-Rotary International Seminar on Water Resources Management – Bangladesh Context. |
2008 |
Sanitation, Health and Millennium Development Goals, 3rd South Asian Conference on Sanitation (SACOSAN-III),New Delhi, India, |
2008 |
Arsenic Contamination of Groundwater and Its impacts on Water Supply and Irrigation, XXXVI International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH) Congress, Toyama, Japan. |
2008 |
A Model for Prediction of Disease Burden for Arsenic and Microbial Pathogens in Drinking Water. Singapore International Water Week, Singapore. |
2008 |
Contamination of Groundwater and Soil in Bangladesh, International Workshop on Safe Soil and Groundwater Resources in Asia, AIT, Bangkok, Thailand. |
2008 |
Groundwater as a Source of Drinking Water –Risk, Benefit and Sustainability, 7th International Conference of Arsenic on Contamination of Groundwater and Its Mitigation Dhaka Community Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh |
2006 |
Quantitative Health Risk Assessment for Arsenic & Microbial Contamination of Drinking Water, World Health Organization Consultative Meeting on Water Safety Plan, Geneva, Switzerland. |
2006 |
(1) Household Treatment of Arsenic Contaminated Water and (2) Environmental Technology Verification for Arsenic Mitigation. Regional Workshop on Household Water Treatment and Safe Storage, Siam Reap, Cambodia. |
2006 |
Institutional Capacity Enhancement of BUETunder BUET-University of Alberta Linkage Project, Bangladeshi Professionals in Toronto, Canada. |
2006 |
Construction of Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge (Banga Bondhu Bridge), Bangladeshi Engineers Working in Los-Angels, Ca. USA. |
2005 |
Water Safety Framework in Bangladesh, International Conference on Water Safety in Small Water Supplies, Reykjavik, Iceland. |
2004 |
Arsenic Contamination of Groundwater in North-eastern region of Bangladesh, The 9th Asia Arsenic Forum, Yokohama, Japan. |
2004 |
Arsenic Contamination of Groundwater: The Problem and Mitigation Strategy in Bangladesh. The 9th Asia Arsenic Forum, Yokohama, Japan. |
2004 |
Arsenic Mitigation Strategy in Bangladesh, International Conference on water Quality-Arsenic Mitigation, Taiwan, China. |
2004 |
Cost of Water Supply Options for Arsenic Mitigation, 30th WEDC Conference on People-Centred Approaches to Water and Sanitation. Vientiane, Lao PDR. |
2004 |
Arsenic Mitigation Technologies in South and East Asia, The World Bank Water Week, Washington D.C, USA. |
2004 |
Urban Environmental Infrastructure, Decentralization for Effective Management in Bangladesh, Workshop on Urban Management in Kolkata, India. |
2004 |
Arsenic Contamination in South-east Asia Region : Technologies for Arsenic Mitigation, World Bank Workshop on Operational Response to Arsenic Contamination, Kathmandu, Nepal. |
2004 |
Arsenic-safe Water Supply: Potential for Surface water Sources, International Conference of Arsenic on Contamination of Groundwater and Its Mitigation Dhaka Community Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh. |
2004 |
Arsenic Problem in Bengal Basin and Mitigation Strategies in Bangladesh, International Conference on Arsenic Contamination of Groundwater in Bengal Basin, Dhaka, Bangladesh |
2003 |
Sanitation in South Asian Countries, 1st South Asian Conference on Sanitation (SACOSAN-I) ,Dhaka, Bangladesh. |
2003 |
Arsenic Contamination: Worldwide Scenario, Pakistan Council for Industrial research, Islamabad, Pakistan. |
2003 |
Methane Recovery from Municipal Solid Wastes in Bangladesh, 3rd International Conference on Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development. The Institution of Engineer, Dhaka, Bangladesh |
2003 |
Arsenic Contamination of Groundwater in Bangladesh, The 3rd World Water Forum, Kyoto, Japan. |
2003 |
Wastewater in aquaculture: Concept and Bangladesh Experience, Global Water Partnership-South Asia Seminar on Reuse of Wastewater through Aquaculture and Ecological Sanitation, University of Kalyani, Nadia, India. |
2002 |
Prevalence of Skin Lesions in Some Arsenic Affected Areas of Bangladesh, 5th International Conference on Arsenic Exposure and Health Effects, San Diego, California, USA. |
2002 |
Safe-water Options for Arsenic Affected Areas in Bangladesh, A Presentation to UNICEF’s International Visitors in Dhaka, Bangladesh |
2002 |
Verification of Arsenic Treatment Technologies and Field Test Kits in Bangladesh, Intercountry Consultation on Verification of Arsenic Mitigarion Technology and Field Test Kits.,Kolkata, India. |
2002 |
Water Supply and Sanitation: Access and Sustainability. 28th WEDC Conference on Sustainable Environmental Sanitation and Water Services, Kolkata, India. |
2002 |
Water Supply for Arsenic Mitigation, Special Event at 28th WEDC Conference on Sustainable Environmental Sanitation and Water Services, Kolkata, India. |
2002 |
Small-scale Treatment of Arsenic Contaminated Groundwater, 7th Asia Arsenic Forum on the Arsenic Contamination of Groundwater in Asia, Miyazaki University, Japan. |
2002 |
Policy Development for Arsenic Mitigation in Bangladesh, International Workshop on Arsenic Contamination in Groundwater - Technical and Policy Dimensions, United Nations University, Tokyo, Japan. |
2002 |
Alternative Water Supply Options for Arsenic Mitigation in Bangladesh, International Conference on Arsenic Mitigation, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Government of Bangladesh. |
2001 |
Arsenic Contamination in Bangladesh: Severity and Possible Consequences, Workshop on Arsenic in Asia Pacific Region, Adelaide, Australia. |
2001 |
Water Supply Options in Arsenic Affected Areas, US National Science Foundation (NSF) Conference in CDM, Dhaka, Bangladesh. |
2000 |
Water Quality Problem in Coastal Areas of Bangladesh. International Symposium on Lowland Technology, Saga University, Japan. |
2000 |
Groundwater Pollution from Solid Waste Landfills. International Conference on Geoenvironment 2000, Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Oman. |
2000 |
Causes and Occurrences of Arsenic Contamination of Groundwater in Bangladesh. International Workshop on Control of Arsenic in Groundwater, Calcutta, India. |
2000 |
Strategic Plan for Arsenic Mitigation in Bangladesh, BAPA-BEN International Conference on Bangladesh. |
1999 |
Rainwater Harvesting Potentials in Bangladesh. 25th WEDC Conference on Integrated Development for Water Supply and Sanitation, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. |
1998 |
Arsenic Removal from Tubewell Water. 3rd Forum on Arsenic Contamination of Ground water in Asia, Miyazaki University, Japan. |
1998 |
Groundwater Treatment for Arsenic-Iron Removal, International Conference on Arsenic Pollution of Ground-water in Bangladesh:Causes, Effects and Remedies, Dhaka |
1998 |
Arsenic Removal from Tubewell Water,The 3rd Forum on Arsenic Contamination of Ground-water in Asia, 22-23 November, Miyazaki University ,Japan. |
1997 |
Post -Training Evaluation: A Mechanism for Quality Control of Training programs. 9th International Training Network- African Conference, University of Pretoria, South Africa. |
1996 |
Coastal Water Supply in Bangladesh. 22nd WEDEC Conference on Reaching the Unreached-Challenges for the 21st Century, New Delhi, India. |
1995 |
Treatment Options in Management of Toxic Chemicals and Hazardous Wastes, Regional Workshop on Hazardous Waste Management in Developing Countries, Hyderabad, India. |
1993 |
Solid Waste Management in Dhaka with Emphasis on Recycling. International Workshop on Waste Management for Sustainable Development, UNESCO Unitwin Program, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand and Griffith University, Australia, Hat Yai, Thailand. |
1992 |
Effect of Biodegradable Organic Pollutants on Aquatic Ecosystem of River Buriganga, International Seminar on Hypertrophical and Polluted Freshwater Ecosystem, , Dhaka, Bangladesh. |
1992 |
An Evaluation of Impact of Sea Level Rise in Bangladesh, IOC-UNEP Workshop on Impact of Rise in Sea Level due to Global Warming for South Asian Region, 16-19 November, Dhaka, Bangladesh. |
1991 |
Water Supply and Sanitation in Developing Countries in UN Decade (1980-1990), University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK |
1988 |
Polluting Effects of Effluent Discharges from Dhaka City on the River Buriganga. International Conference on Pollution Control in Developing Countries, Bangkok, Thailand. |
1987 |
Evaluation of Quality of Deep Tubewell Water for Irrigation and Public Water Supplies in Bangladesh International Ground Water Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malayasia. |
1987 |
Water Resources Management for National Development,Rotary International Conference on Development, Pan Pacific Sonargoan Hotel, Dhaka, Bangladesh. |
B. Invited/Keynote Lectures at National Events
2023 |
Water Sanitation and Hygiene: Strategic Approach to Increase Coverage. PKSF Workshop for Senior Field Officer. |
2022 |
Padma Bridge: A Civil Engineering Marvel, University of Asia Pacific, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 15 September. |
2022 |
Padma Bridge: Dream. Determination. Achievement. BUET Alumni, Dr. Jamilur Reza Choudhury Civil Engineering Building, BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 20 August. |
2022 |
Padma Bridge: An iconic Structure in Bangladesh. BUET Graduates Club Ltd. Banani, Dhaka, Bangladesh. |
2022 |
Padma Bridge: Dream-Challenge-Implementation, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dr. Jamilur Reza Choudhury Civil Engineering Building, BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 4th August. |
2022 |
Padma Bridge: A Dream Turns into Reality. Institution of Engineers Bangladesh, IEB Bhaban, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 16 July. |
2021 |
Valuing Water in Bangladesh Perspective.; Seminar on World Water Day 2021 by United Nation Association of Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh. |
2020 |
Impact of Climate Change on Water Quality, Health, Nutrition and Sanitation; ITN Training Course on Climate Change and WASH in Emergency, BUET, Bangladesh. |
2019 |
Clean Water and Sanitation: Bangladesh Context, Engaging University Faculties for Capacity Building in Achieving SDG on Sustainable Food and Agriculture, BARD, Cumilla. |
2019 |
In-search of Sustainable Waste Management for Dhaka City, keynote presentation at BUET Alumni and Prothom Alo Round Table Discussion, Dhaka, Bangladesh. |
2019 |
SDG6 Four Years Journey of Bangladesh, A keynote presentation to WASH sector professionals in Bangladesh organized by WaterAid Bangladesh. |
2019 |
Climate Change and Mitigation Strategy in Bangladesh, Young Scientists’ Conference on Climate Change – A way Forward, Bangladesh Academy of Sciences, Dhaka, Bangladesh. |
2019 |
Status of Arsenic Remediation in Bangladesh, National Dissemination Workshop on Implementation of Arsenic Mitigation in Bangladesh, ITN Centre, BUET. |
2019 |
Leaving No One Behind , United Nations Association of Bangladesh (UNAB) Seminar on World Water Day 2019, Dhaka, Bangladesh. |
2018 |
Estimation of Arsenic and Microbial Health Risk for Tracking SDG for Drinking Water in Bangladesh, Academy Lecture, Bangladesh Academy of Sciences, Dhaka, Bangladesh |
2018 |
Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development, The Civil Talk, Department of Civil Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology, Dhaka. |
2018 |
Tracking SDG 6 for Bangladesh, Seminar onRevision of National Strategy for Water Supply and Sanitation 2014, Dhaka, Bangladesh. |
2018 |
Overview and Analysis of WASH Linking with Nutrition outcome in Bangladesh, Technical Symposium on Nutrition-Sensitive Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), A follow-up of International Conference on Nutrition, FAO, UNICEF and the World Bank, BICC. |
2017 |
Transforming Waste into Resources, Practical Action Seminar on Waste to Resources, Dhaka, Bangladesh. |
2017 |
Adaptation to Climate Change and Challenges to Infrastructure Development, Seminar on Climate Change, Department of Civil Engineering, Military Institute of Science and Technology (MIST). Dhaka. |
2017 |
Education for 21st Century, A seminar on Quality of Education, Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), Stamford University Bangladesh, Dhaka. |
2016 |
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene at Schools in Bangladesh, Round Table Conference, Swiss Water Sanitation Consortium in Bangladesh |
2016 |
Moderator’s Speech on National Strategy for Achieving SDG for Water Sanitation and Water Quality (SDG 6.1, 6.2, and 6.3), National Workshop on Achieving SDG 6 declared by UNO, Hon’able Prime Minister’s Office, Government of Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh. |
2016 |
Water Safety Plan for Safe Water Supplies in Bangladesh, DPHE and WHO Conference on Drinking Water Safety- Priority for Achieving SDG. Dhaka, Bangladesh. |
2016 |
Environment and Sustainable Development, Department of Environmental Science, Stamford University Bangladesh, Dhaka. |
2016 |
Water Resources in Bangladesh and Impact of Climate Change, Bangladesh Water Society (BWS) seminar on World Water Day, National Press Club, Bangladesh. |
2016 |
Management of Water Environment in Bangladesh, China-Bangladesh Workshop on Water Environment Management, Dhaka, Bangladesh. |
2015 |
Water Pollution and Its Effects. A talk on Water Pollution and Its Effect on Environment, .BRAC University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.. |
2015 |
Technological Aspects of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH). WaterAid Bangladesh Retreat, BCDM, Rajendrapur, Bangladesh. |
2015 |
Civil and Environmental Engineering for Sustainable Development, A Civil Festival Lecture, North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh |
2010 |
Resilience of Water Supply and Sanitation System During Disasters, BUET-JIDPUS Workshop on Risk Resilient Infrastructure : Role of Education and Training, Dhaka. |
2010 |
Impact of Climate Change on Health and Environmental Sanitation, ITN-BUET Training Seminar on Facing Challenges of Climate Change, Dhaka. Bangladesh. |
2010 |
Strategies and Options for Mitigation of Arsenic Problem: Progress and Future Outlook, BUETAA National Seminar on Progress Towards Creating an Arsenic Safe Environment in Bangladesh, Bangladesh. |
2009 |
Climate Change and Water Pollution in Bangladesh, BAPA-BEN Seminar on World Water Day, 2009.Dhaka.. |
2009 |
Arsenic Wastes From Treatment of Arsenic Contaminated Water – ETV Seminar on Verification of Arsenic Treatment Plants, Dhaka. |
2009 |
Historical Development of Sanitation and Its Linkage to Health, Training Course on Capacity Building of LGIs on Comprehensive Sanitation Development, Dhaka. |
2008 |
Improvement of Solid Waste Disposal Facilities at Matuail Landfill Site in Dhaka City, National Seminar on Solid Waste Management, KUET, Khulna. |
2008 |
Possible Effects of Climate Change on Drinking Water Supply, NGO-Forum Workshop on Climate Change and Water Supply, Dhaka. |
2006 |
Water-related Health Problems and Mitigation in Bangladesh, JICA Seminar on Health Risk and Water Quality Parameters. |
2006 |
QHRA : The Context, Concept and Development, ITN-BUET Lecture on Quantitative Health Risk Assessment (QHRA), Dhaka. |
2006 |
Details of Quantitative Health Risk Assessment (QHARA) , ITN-BUET Lecture on Quantitative Health Risk Assessment (QHRA).Dhaka. |
2006 |
Environmental Settings of Bangladesh, Seminar on Bangladesh Environment at Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology. |
2006 |
The Water Quality Problem and Mitigation in Bangladesh, JICA Seminar on Health Risk and Water Quality Parameter, Dhaka, Bangladesh. |
2005 |
Risk Assessment of Arsenic Mitigation Options : Setting Health-based Targets, National Workshop on Water Quality. Dhaka. |
2005 |
Water Supply and Sanitation in National Water Management Plan, Special Lecture at CEGIS, Bangladesh. |
2005 |
Progress in Safe Water and Sanitation to Achieve Millennium Development Goals, A lecture at Bangladesh Unnayan Parisad (BUP), Bangladesh |
2005 |
Safe Drinking Water, Sanitation and Millennium Development Goals, Special Lecture at Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh. |
2004 |
Effect of Uncontrolled Urbanization on Environment and Health in Dhaka, A seminar on Urbanization, Dhaka. |
2004 |
WHO Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality, Health-based Targets and Water Safety Plan, DPHE-WHO National Workshop , Dhaka. Bangladesh. |
2004 |
Solid Waste Management in Dhaka City, A seminar on Waste Management in Urban Areas of Bangladesh. |
2004 |
Arsenic Contamination of Groundwater and Its Mitigation in Bangladesh, A lecture at Bangladesh Environmental Layers’ Association of Bangladesh |
2004 |
Water Quality Standards and Surveillance, Training Seminar for Engineers at Department of Public Health Engineering, Bangladesh |
2004 |
Arsenic Contamination: Worldwide scenario, A seminar on Arsenic Contamination at ITN-BUET Centre for Water Supply and Waste Management, Dhaka, Bangladesh |
2004 |
Treatment of Arsenic Contaminated Water, A seminar on Arsenic Contamination at ITN-BUET Centre for Water Supply and Waste Management, Dhaka, Bangladesh. |
2003 |
Sanitation Situation in South Asian Countries and Achievement of International Targets, A lecture at Global Water Partnership- South Asia (GWP-SA), |
2002 |
Groundwater Quality of Bangladesh, ITN Lecture Series for Dissemination of Research Outcomes among Professionals working in WSS Sector. |
2002 |
Protection of Nature, Environment and Sustainable Development, Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh Lecture for Professionals. |
2002 |
Environmental Problems in Bangladesh, Press Institute of Bangladesh Lecture Series for Journalists. |
2001 |
Water, Waste, Sanitation and Drainage Concerns, CARE Bangladesh. |
2001 |
Climate Change-Bangladesh Perspective, Federation of Environmental Journalists in Bangladesh. |
2001 |
Arsenic Contamination of Groundwater in Bangladesh: Current Status, National Press Club, Dhaka, Bangladesh. |
2000 |
Possible Solution to Water Supply Problems in Bangladesh, NGO Forum Seminar on Water Supply and Sanitation in Bangladesh. |
1999 |
Water Supply Strategy in Arsenic Affected Rural Areas of Bangladesh, ICDDR,B Conference on Measurement and Mitigation Strategies for Arsenic in Drinking Water at Field Level. |
1999 |
Impact of 1998 Flood on Water Supply and Sanitation, National Seminar on Environmental Impact of 1998 Flood, Dhaka, Bangladesh. |
1998 |
Problems of Dhaka Water Supply and Their Mitigation, DWASA Seminar on Problems and Prospects of Water Supply in Dhaka City. |
1997 |
Oil Pollution and its Control, Seminar on Training Needs, Environmental Issues and Occupational Health Hazards in Oil and Gas Industries in Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh. |
1997 |
Automobile Emissions and Air Pollution in Dhaka City, Workshop on Air Pollution and Acid Rain, Dhaka, Bangladesh |
1997 |
Waste Management and Environmental pollution in Dhaka City, Seminar on Environmental Degradation of Dhaka City and Citizen's Responsibility, Dhaka, 6 July |
1996 |
Urban Water Quality Management, National Seminar on Water Quality for Industrial, Domestic and Agricultural Uses, Dhaka. Bangladesh. |
1993 |
Municipal Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh, Seminar on Solid Waste Management, Goethe-Institut, Dhaka, 8-11 April, |
1993 |
Industrial Sector Review for Environmental Management, Training Workshop on Environmental Management in Bangladesh, April-June. |
1993 |
Issues and Parameters in Environmental Studies of Water Resources, Workshop on Sustainability of Water Projects in Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh. |
1993 |
Waste, Pollution and Water Quality Atlas of Bangladesh, Workshop on Environmental Mappingfor Bangladesh, Goethe-Institut, Dhaka, Bangladesh. |
1993 |
Environmental Assessment in the Industrial Sector, Seminar on Environmental Impact Assessment Process, Dhaka, 8-12 August, |
1993 |
Environmental Impact Assessment in the Infrastructure Sector, Seminar on Environmental Impact Assessment process. Dhaka, 8-12 August, |
1992 |
A Strategy for Drinking Water Supply in the Coastal Area of Bangladesh, UNESCAP Seminar on Coastal Zone Management in Bangladesh, Dhaka, 27-31 December |
1992 |
Technological Aspects of Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh, UNAPCTI National Seminar on Mechanism for Exchange of Technology Information (METI)' Dhaka, 1-5 November |
1984 |
Some Aspects of Water Fluoridation in Bangladesh, 4th National Workshop on Oral Health and Dental Education in Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh, |
1980 |
Review of General Water Quality and Pollution Criteria and Their Application in Bangladesh, Surveillance and Control in Small Community Water Supplies in Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh. |