
For ensuring smooth progression of academic life of the students of Civil Engineering Department, effective online Thesis Defense program in zoom was arranged successfully starting from 8th August, 2020 to 12th August, 2020. 13 groups consisting of a total of 55 students defended their thesis work in front of the respective Defense Board including Supervisors and selected Faculty members. The whole arrangement was done by the Thesis committee and Chairman Prof. Dr. B. C. Basak monitored the arrangement closely. Whole defense was recorded and results were also submitted online. A second phase of defense will be held on 12th September, 2020.
The Thesis committee co-ordinator Ms. Tahmina Rahman Chowdhury and members Ms. Anika Nowshin Mowrin, Ms. Rumpa Chowdhury, Mohsena Lopa, Md. Hasnul Habib, Nafisa Islam and Md. Shahreer Jamil not only organize the whole online defense, but also Thesis Distribution of 82 students of 64 batch for Fall-2020 has been done online successfully on 22nd August, 2020.